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"I still cannot believe you went out and got drunk last night," Pansy sighed as she handed Blaise a glass of water.

"Yeah mate, even the two of us aren't that unhappy with our marriages," I added.

"Easy for the two of you to say anything. Draco got the Gryffindor Golden Boy. Pansy, you got the smartest witch in the whole school. Who did I get stuck with? A Weasley! The youngest, and most temperamental of the bunch."

"Funny you should mention that, because I'm not either of those."

The three of us looked up and saw our husbands, in Pansy's case, wife, standing there. 

"What do you want," Blaise asked as he turned back around. 

"I was coming to tell you that McGonagall didn't get the papers this morning and you were the last one to have them, which means I don't know where they are. But the I heard your little complaint. I want it to be clear that apparently you don't know me as well as you thought. While I happen to be the youngest male, my sister, Ginny, is the youngest Weasley. Also, my mother, Molly, is the most temperamental of the batch, so don't think I am special enough to be called such. I advise you to get the papers because if you don't, we could both pay for it.  Good day, Zabini."

He walked off with Harry and Granger following after him. I heard Blaise sigh heavily before slamming his head to the table in a very unrefined way. 

"What have I dont to deserve this?"

"Plenty. All of us have, honestly," Pansy sighed as she drank some coffee from the green mug in front of her. 

"Isn't that the truth," I sighed as I subconsciously rubbed my hand along the mark on my forearm. "The first years will be here tonight, so we better go make sure we have everything taken care of." 

"Right," the two reply as we stand up and start our ways towards the common room. We'll be getting everything ready to meet our new hatchlings tonight and the oldest Slytherins always make sure our "snake den" is ready to make them feel comfortable when they arrive. We all have to look out for each other, after all. The Ravenclaws are alright around us, but the Hufflepuffs fear us and the Gryffindors hate us. We don't have many friend options in Slytherin house. 

If I'm ever lucky enough to have kids, I hope they can have friends no matter what house they are eventually placed in. 


"It's almost dinner time, boys, " Hermione mentioned as we finished getting my classroom set up. I have a first year class tomorrow and Ron and Hermione volunteered to make everything look well enough that I can actually teach tomorrow instead of having to finish setting up. 

"Thanks for the help guys," Harry said as the three started making their ways towards the Great Hall for the feast. 

"Any time Harry. We're always here to help you," Ron said as the three walked into the Great Hall.  

Ron and Hermione were already in their school robes while I was in robes that wouldn't look out of place when I sat at the teachers' table. 

Since McGonagall took over as Headmistress, Flitwick has been selected as the one to show in the new students. Once, everyone was sorted and seated at their tables, McGonagall stood up and gave the opening speech with some new announcements. 

"Furthermore, there have been some changes in the staff this year. Our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is Professor Harry Potter-Malfoy. Please treat him with the same respect as you would any other teacher."

Soon enough, the Great Hall went up in a flurry of questions.


"Wasn't it just Harry Potter?"

"Wasn't Malfoy a death eater?"


The Hall turned their attention back to the teachers, and McGonagall put down her wand, her voice returning to normal.

"Those with any questions must find out on their own time, but for now it is time for the welcome feast. So everyone, tuck in!"

The food appeared at once and everyone began to serve themselves in different ways. The Gryffindors were reaching over each other trying to get to something they quite enjoyed, the Hufflepuffs were only eating items in front of themselves and weren't really asking for anything to be passed around, the Ravenclaws were doing the same as the Hufflepuffs, but they were at least passing items here and there, and the teachers and Slytherins were passing foods around and taking a serving or two before passing it around to the next person.

I looked around once more when it was time for dessert and saw Draco helping a first year Slytherin dish out some pudding. I saw him smile at the young snake before ruffling his hair and sending the pudding the other way with a small grin. I guess Draco really likes kids. He'll make a great father to our kids one day. 


When did I start thinking like that!?

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