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"Mom?" Ron asked as we saw Molly Weasley standing in the middle if our sitting room.

"Oh Ron," she smiled at him. "I heard about the howler Ginny sent you. I canr believe she did such things. You must have been so mad at us."

I thought she looked like she was about to cry before her and Ron hugged each other. She glanced at me when she let go of him and smiled.

"Hello Blaise, dear."

"Good evening, Mrs. Weasley."

"Hush now with that nonsense. You either call me Molly or Mom. You are the father of my grandchild after all."

I looked towards Ron and saw him crying slightly.

"Hey whats wrong?" I asked as I pulled him over with one arm, Jeffrey still sleeping in the other.

"I'm so glad. This means my family doesnt hate me. I can go home during break. I can see my brothers and parents."

I smiled at him before I felt movement on my shoulder.

"Why is Papa Ron crying?" Jeffrey asked with a small yawn while rubbing his eyes.

"He's happy, Bud." I smirked as the smallest member of our family hugged Ron and gave him a kiss on the cheek to feel better.

"Hes precious." Molly giggled as we looked at her. We introduced her to Jeffrey when the thought hit me.

We are only watching Jeffrey for a small amount of time. He will have to leave us eventually.

I looked down at the Little in my arms and hugged him slightly, fighting back the tears.



"You want to what?" Pansy asked as we all say in Harry and Draco's sitting room. The Littles were playing with their toys in Wally's nursery and we all stared at Blaise and Ron.

"We are going to blood adopt Jeffrey. He will be ours and they wont be able to take him back." Ron said with a determijed look. "I'm not gonna lose my baby."

"Ron, we all feel you, but shouldnt you clear this with Prifessor Hopkirk or her cousin first?" Harry asked as he say next to Draco on the arm of their big chair.

"We have. And they said anyoje else who has grown attached and cared for their Littles like us can do the same. Meaning you guys could adopt Sarah and Wally too." Blaise explained.

"And us?" Dean asked as Seamus held a sleeping Roy.

"Even the two of you. We wont have to give them up. We can be actual families." Ron added further.

We all looked around before nodding and smiling at one another.

"So when are we allowed to do this?" Draco asked.

"We can all go to Daigon Alley tomorrow and head to Gringott's. McGonagall gave us permission since we will technically have a professor with us," Blaise motioned towards Harry. "Once their, we can start and all adopt our Littles. We can all be real families."

"Blaise, we all already are real families. Family isnt by blood or adoption, but by heart and who you chose to have as family." Harry explained.

"Yeah, look at Harry. He is basically another son to the Weasley's even though his muggle relatives are assholes," Pansy smiled.

We all laughed before the Littles ran into the room, Wally on a small wagon, being pulled by Jeffrey.

"What are you guys talking about," Sarah asked.

"We are all taking a small feild trip tomorrow. So be ready, okay?" I said to all if them. They all nodded and took, a nkw awake, Roy to go play with them some more.

I cant believe we can all finally make sure we stay together. No matter what.



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