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(Ok guys so I know I usually have fun but I gotta be serious for a second. Look in the background..... Goyle is reading!? "I didnt know you could read." Just got even better! Also before we begin, forgot to show you what the babies look like so here we go!



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Anywhore, time for business!)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Anywhore, time for business!)


"I cant believe this," I said for the umpteenth time as we all sat in the living room of mine and Draco's home. The kids were playing in Wally's room and the babies were asleep in a playpen behind Ron's chair as we all read through the files.

"Who would do that to a child?" Pansy asked as she held Hermione close beside her, both looking ready to cry for the well being if their daughter.

"And what those... monsters did to Jeffrey. No wonder he doesnt go to bed with the bars up," Blaise glared at the coffee table while Ron rubbed circles in his back.

Here is what we learned from the files we received from Professor and Madame Hopkirk.

Apparently when Sarah was born, her parents were mad they had a girl instead of a boy and tried anything they could to get rid of her. She was born with brown hair to begin with but it soon turned blonde from the amount of chemicals they had thrown on her trying to blind her or anything else they could do. She was finally dropped at the orphanage at age two and later on, her parents had died in the war.

For Jeffrey, he was born with ADHD. His parents found out and neglected him as much as possible, even going as far as to lock him in his crib with bars on the top to resemble a jail cell for days at a time. He was three when they locked him in the crib and wasnt found for almost a week due to the two of them having an argument and after the wife killed her husband, she killed herself also. When he was finally found, he was very weak and could hardly lift his head off the mattress.

And finally is Wally. My poor baby was thrown around like a rag doll because he was "too small" and when he didnt eat as much as they wanted him to, his biological family would keep him from eating the rest of the day before shoving so much food down his throat, he would get sick from it and throw up, only to have the process repeated and to be beaten more. It was only a few months ago that he was taken away by magical child servuces and placed with Madame Hopkirk.

"I canr believe it. I refuse to believe it," Ron said tearing up. "They punished him over something he couldn't control. And they all were punished so young. In surprised Wally's biological family was allowed to live after that!"

"Ron, calm down, you'll wake the babies," Hermione said softly. "However, it is a terrible occurrence, yes. The sad part is, our children are only a small part of the population of children who go through this sort of thing, magic or muggle."

"Like I said before. Lets focus towards the future. They are in safe hands now and we aren't going to do such things to them," I said before I heard a thump noise come from Wally's room.

I stood up and Balsie followed me in their thinking it might have been Jeffrey, considering that boy does dangerous things all the time. We walked into the room and I saw Sarah against the wall with Jeffrey and Wally fighting on the ground.

"Boys stop!" Blaise exclaimed as he pulled the ravenette off the smaller boy. "Jeffrey! What in Merlin's name were you thinking? Wally is too young to rough house with like that!"

"Sarah, what happened?" I asked the most honest of the bunch as I held a crying Wally, trying to soothe him down.

"Wally was playing with his guraffe and Jeffrey wanted a turn. Wally said he could play with him in a minute,but Jeffrey wanted him badly so he snatched him from Wally and made him tear up. Wally pushed Jeffrey and said that was mean, but Jeffrey pushed Wally and started hitting him."

"Thank you dear." I said to the blonde girl before looking over Wally's slight carpet burns and red spots from being hit.

"Jeffrey, apologize right now. That was the wrong thing to do. Wally is your friend. You dont hurt your friends." Blaise said as he stood Jeffrey up and pushed the boy's long hair from his face.



The boy sighed and pouted but walked over to Wally, who hid behind me, fresh tears already forming in his eyes.

"Sorry." Jeffrey frowned wbile looking at his feet.

It was quiet and I thought Wally couldnt hear him for a moment before he appeared from behind me and hugged the older boy.

"You arent mad?" Jeffrey asked as he looked at the smaller boy with a confused face.

"Course not! Youre my best friend!" Wally smiled as he looked at Jeffrey who tirned a slight shade if pink and looked away with a pout.

"You can still be mad though. I deserve it."

I looked at Blaise and we both stifled out laughter as we left the kids alone to have fun, in a nice way this time.

"What happened?" Hermione asked as we came back. We explained the situation and Ron smirked at Draco.

"If this keeps up, we may one day be in-laws Draco." Ron joked. We all laughed and put the files away, not worrying about the past at the moment, but rather on the future and the present we have made for these children.


Sad, I know, but hey. Its not the end of the sorry yet so woo hoo. 😁 Later!

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