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I walked through the halls at a brisk pace before stopping at the familiar gargoyle. I said the new password before climbing the stairs and opening the door to the office. I saw McGonagall look up and smile at me.

"Ah Potter. I assume you're here with the papers I need to send to the ministry?"

"No Professor. I'm here to ask about this curse. I understand needing to marry someone but, why can't we chose ourselves? I'm sure that orb was wrong."

"Join the club Potter," Pansy Parkinson said as she looked over the chair I didn't see her sitting in. "I don't want to be stuck with Granger either."

"Not I with Zabini," Ron said as he entered the room.

"And how do your partners feel about this," McGonagall asked as she took a sip of tea.

"The same way, of course," Ron exclaimed.

"Granger was the one who told me to get out of the room. Which brought me here," Parkinson said with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Really? Because whether you like it or not, that orb is never wrong."


"No 'buts' you three. And you can tell your partners as well. The orb has already spoken and there is nothing we can do to change it. And you cannot reject the marriage or you shall die before the next day. So I suggest you and Miss Granger sign the papers Miss Parkinson. Also, any form of cheating holds the same rules.

"You do not have to like each other but I'd learn to like it because you are to be with these people for the rest of your lives. We are working on finding a counter curse but until then, you can bet we need you to continue living. Now then, I would like to talk to Potter alone."

Parkinson and Ron left the room and I took the now empty seat in front of McGonagall's desk.

"Yes Professor?"

"I would like you to help teach DADA this year. You do not need but an hour or so to teach and I can either set out a whole day of classes for you or allow you the opportunity to teach first years one day, second years the next day, and so on until the end of the week where you shall teach seventh and eighth years."

"I suppose I'll teach one or two classes a day. If you really need me."

"We do. Our new teacher quit already because they became deathly ill and there was no other way around it. I'm sorry to add on stress to you but-"

"It's fine Professor. I do have a question though."

"Go ahead Potter."

"If I do this, would there be any way for me to change the room I have to share with Malfoy? A second bed, new colors, or-"

"Potter. We set colors based on who was to assigned to one another. Red and Green for you and Malfoy helps represent Gryffindor and Slytherin based colors. That's why Granger and Parkinson have Pink and Silver and Zabini and Weasley have Green and Gold. And as for the second bed, that is a no. Like I said. Learn to live with it."

"Yes Professor."

"You can call me Minerva when there are no students present. You are a teacher now after all. I'll deliver your schedule to your room in the morning. Goodnight Potter."


I left the office and started making my way back to my room. It's already almost midnight and classes start tomorrow. I guess I should get back and sleep.

I opened the door and saw that the lights were still on. I slowly closed the door and locked it before making my way to the living area where I saw Malfoy asleep on the couch and holding a book.

"Malfoy," I said as I shook his shoulder.

"What now," he groaned as he sat up and took in his surroundings. "What the bloody hell am I?"

"On the couch Malfoy. And unless this is your way of giving me the bed, get up."

"Where were you for so long? Delivering your owl shouldn't take that long," he said as he stood up and stretched tiredly.

"I had to speak with McGonagall about something. Why did you wait up?"

"I didn't. I was going to read a little and go to sleep but I ended up falling asleep while reading. Don't flatter yourself Potter."

"Whatever. It's already midnight. Go to bed."

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm the man in this marriage," he smirked before holding up the papers and showing the last name change for the both of us.

"Damn you."

"Damn you too Potter-Malfoy." He smirked and made his way to the bedroom.

"At least I'm keeping the name Potter." I said to myself as I changed clothes and laid down on the couch. I pulled a blanket over myself before going to sleep.

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