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I woke up to the sound of knocking and groaned slightly. I stood from the bed and fixed my hair slightly before leaving the bedroom and opening the front door. I looked at the face on the other side of the door and saw the familiar pair of glasses.

"What do you want Scarhead?"

"I came to get Hermione before we got Ron."


"Because she's my best friend. Draco said he was going to get you and Blaise too."

"Well aren't you already close enough with him to call him Draco instead of Malfoy." He turned red before I heard a soft voice from behind.

"Pansy? Who is it?"

"So who's comfortable enough Parkinson?" He smirked. I glared before turning around.

"Your Gryffindor Golden Boy came by to pick you up."

"Harry? I'm so sorry. I still need to get dressed."

"Do you want me to go get Ron and we can meet you at the Great Hall?"

"No. It should only take me a second. Just wait a moment." Hermione left the room and Potter made his way to the couch before sitting down. I went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee to help wake up in the mean time.

"So how is she," he asked.

"Who? Hermione?"

"Of course."

"I suppose she's okay. Things became a little awkward last night but nothing too bad."

"What do you mean awkward?"

"If she wants you to know then she'll tell you. What about Draco? How's he?"

"Just fine I suppose. Still the same little Slytherin snob he's always been."

"How's that?"

"He filled out the last name change last night to Potter-Malfoy instead of letting us keep our own names. I had no idea of it and now he's saying that he is the male of the 'relationship'."

"Well you definitely aren't."


"What's going on," Hermione asked as she emerged from the bedroom.

"Nothing. See you later," I said before taking my coffee and going to the bedroom. Not even two minutes later I heard the door close and I lai back on the bed once more.

I was going to relax a few moments before Draco and Blaise got here, but as soon as I shut my eyes I heard a knock on the door.

"For Merlin's Sake," I groaned as I stood up to answer the door.


"Was she rude at all?"

"Who," I asked Hermione as we walked down the hall to collect Ron.

" Pansy. Did she say anything rude?"

"Nothing really. She was actually pretty civilized."

"That's good. I thought for sure that she would be a little defensive or distant."

"She mentioned that something awkward happened last night. What was it?"

"She saw me without a top on. I forgot to lock the door when I was changing and she walked in."

"Oh? Sounds like you had an interesting night."

"You could say that again. It was strange."

"Was that what that screeching was last night? I thought it was Peeves."

"Not funny!" She started hitting my arm a bit before we stopped at Ron and Blaise's door. I knocked and the redhead opened the door with a smile.

"I knew it would be you two." He hugged us and we all started making our way to the Great Hall where they ate some breakfast.

"You aren't eating Harry?"

"No. Don't worry either 'Mione. I made something to eat this morning when I woke up."

"Suit yourself Mate." Ron said through a mouthful of food. "Just remember that you're turning more into a housewife everyday."

"I'm sorry Ron but are you already pregnant because you seem to be eating for two," I replied snappily.

"He's got you there Ron," Hermione laughed. Ron just blushed red and we continued on with our day.

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