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"How the bloody hell are you still alive!?" Ron asked in shock.

"Because of certain magics we are not going to discuss," Professor Hopkirk said as she stared Snape down with a glare and walked over to him angrily. She huffed as she stood next to him and crossed her arms. "Severus. We talked about this."

"Yes my dear, we did, but you were busy with our daughter and at the same time you had a class to teach. I was just trying to help you out." Snape smirked at her as the reality set it.

Victoria's father was Snape. The eyes that were so familiar on Hopkirk's daughter were the eyes of my very own godfather. No wonder they looked so familiar.

"Professor, you didnt use dark magic, did you?" Hermione asked while Sarah was resting against Pansy's shoulder.

"Of course not. What do you take me for?" Prifessor Hopkirk sighed as she leaned against her desk, her robes folding slightly under her new position.

"Then how-?" Blaise started vefore being interrupted by Snape.

"Her family has certain magical abilities that allows them to heal even the most fatal injuries. I have been alive this whole time, but I decided to make my appearance now after everyone thought me dead for so long." Snape explained.

"So you never died?" I asked with wide eyes as I stood up and handed Wally to Harry.

"No Mr. Malfoy, I never died." He stated once mkre before I hugged him, Blaise and Pansy joining me after a few moments.

"You crazy old dungeon bat! We thought we lost you!" Pansy smiled as we all got off of the uncomfortable looking wizard.

"Why dont you let me finish class and you can all catch up after," Professor Hopkirk suggested as we all were seated once more.



"I still cant believe it," Draco said as we walked back inside our rooms.

"I know. Who would have thought?" I asked as I placed Wally in his high chair and began to cut up a banana for him as a snack.

I saw Draco look up, still awestruck, before his face contorted to one of disgust.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as I gave Wally his snack.

"I hate these colors. It looks like a watermelon threw up. I have an idea of a change." He stated. I laughed as he pulled out his wand but my laughter faded into awe once he cast a few charms and our rooms went from the watermelon colors to ones of Slytherin green and Gryffindor red.

"Merlin's beard

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"Merlin's beard..." I looked around the rooms and then at Draco. "How did you learn to do that?"

"Would you believe me if I told you it was all magic?" He asked sarcastically before I pushed him from his chair and Wally and I laughed.


I was carrying Jeffrey as we made our way back to our rooms. Jeffrey was asleep by the time Ron opened the door and what we saw made both of us stand still.

"I cant believe it." My eyes bugged from my head. I looked to Ron who had tears in his eyes when he finally spoke up.



Guys, I'm scared. 🎓🎓🎓🎓 in 1 week.


Anyways, enjoy this chapter and next one will be up soon.

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