Amber Liu is Friendly, but ...

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Pairing: Krystal/Amber


Synopsis: Krystal and Jessica talk about Jessica's dislike for Amber.

Amber Liu is friendly but...

"I know you hate her." Krystal says to her unnie, one afternoon when the two of them are in the salon. To be a little discreet (because there are many people around and someone might make an issue) as to who she's referring to, she speaks to her sister in English. Both are currently having their mani-pedis, sitting on chairs next to each other.

"Hate is a strong word, Soo-Jung." Jessica answers in a nonchalant tone, but Krystal is determined, she wants to have a serious talk with her sister about her girlfriend.

"Come on, Jess, why won't you like my girlfriend?"

"Krystal, it's not that I don't like her." Jessica sighs.

"Then what? What's the problem with Amber? You know that I know you've never approached her, never talked to her, at least not when you're practically forced to, and one time I even saw you deliberately avoiding her."

"Yah? I didn't avoid her!"

"SM Town 2011, Jess. I remembered. So really, you can just admit right now that you don't like Am." Krystal says in a mild challenging tone.

"Aiiishhh, why are you so stubborn about this? I don't hate Amber. End. Can we talk about other things now?" Jessica grumbles.

"Nope. You're my sister and she's my girlfriend. Don't you understand? So it's important for me that you two get along." Krystal answers adamantly but at the same time pleadingly.

Jessica sighs again (but this time she sighs heavier). She knows that she can't avoid the Amber topic forever. Really, it's not that she hates Amber, it's that Jessica's protective of her sister.

"You know I care about you so much, right?"

"I know that."

"Amber, she's...your girlfriend..." Jessica doesn't know how to say what she wants to say.

"Yeah...and you're just stating the obvious. Jess where are you going with this? Are you uncomfortable with me dating a girl?"

"Yah!! Of course not! Why do you even think that?! You know our parents raised us with open minds! She can even be a real llama for all I care!"

"So what's bothering you about my relationship with her?" Krystal questions calmly, they're in a public place for Christ's sake! They shouldn't be drawing attention to themselves.

"Amber pimps, Krystal."


"She's like a pimp, Krys. Pimping around here and there like it's her specialty." Jessica says in a somewhat mocking voice and she also gestures with her hands. Good thing that they're having their pedicures first.

"Yah! So now you're basically calling my girl a whore! What's wrong with you?!" The younger girl sends her sister a death glare (her super death glare). She can't strangle her sister in public. And her feet are still being pedicured.

"No it's not what I'm trying to say Krys!" Jessica answers quickly, trying to salvage the situation.

"Then what?!" Krystal's trying hard to control her voice.

"Krystal. Aiissssh. Let me speak, please."

Krystal calms herself. She sighs and resumes her position on her chair.

"OK. So here is what I'm trying to say. You're not even gonna speak cause I'll be the only one talking. Araso?"

Krystal nods and just looks (she's not glaring anymore) at her sister.

"Honestly, I find you two really really cute together. Your sweetness nauseates not only me, but a lot in the SM family. Yah! Don't smile Soo-Jung ah!"

Krystal can't help it. This means her sister does like Amber. Success!

"But... wait a second cause I'm not finish." Jessica holds up a finger and looks sideways at her sister. "It sometimes bothers me that Amber is friends with literally everyone. Right? Doesn't that bother you? Don't you get jealous?" Jessica's honestly curious with her sister's disposition about Amber's friendliness.

"We've been together for almost 4 years, Jess."

"Yeah I know, but still...I'm protective, you know that."

Krystal smiles at her sister. Now she understands why her sister is like that with her girlfriend.

"Yeah. And that's why I love you, sis. You care about me so much. But I'll tell you something about Amber, okay?"

"Ugh is this something cheesy?" Jessica playfully grouses.

"Probably. But this will let you know that you don't need to worry about me that much."

"Eiii, okay okay. Hit me."

"Okay listen. You probably know that Amber had her birthday last year that you didn't attend." Krystal starts.

"Are we here to talk about my lack of involvement in your relationship?"

"No, no, it's not that. Here's the story: Amber got too drunk that night, like so, so drunk she can't even stand on her own, practically dry heaving all over the place."


"So here I go trying to help her get to bed. I was trying to take off her clothes..."

"Eww! I don't wanna talk about your sex life!"

"Aiish! Can't you just let me finish, oh my gosh, Jess." Krystal rolls her eyes. They both end up laughing so hard Krystal almost forgot she's trying to say something. After they settle down, Krystal speaks.

"Okay, okay so on with my story. I was trying to get her out off her clothes to change her into sleepwear, btw. But! Let me tell you, but she's pushing me away and trying to get out of bed." Krystal has this huge smile on her face and it confuses Jessica.


"Amber's pushing me away while saying: 'I have a girlfriend. Don't take my clothes off. Princess Krystal Jung's my girlfriend. Take me to my girlfriend.'...That's what she said to me that night that she's drunk and practically not on her right mind.... So you see, Amber loves me, Jess. I just know it, feel it, you know?" Krystal turns to look at her sister.

Jessica has this understanding smile on her face. She nods happily to her sister and for the first time, genuinely says:

"Amber's perfect for you, Soo-Jung-a."


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