Drink It

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Pairing: Krystal/Amber


Synopsis: Krystal and Amber are keeping their relationship a secret. Only the other f(x) members and Jessica know it. It's Amber's birthday party (really hardcore party). Many friends from the SM Entertainment attend. A game of "spin the bottle" ensues.

A/N: This scene is actually an after party but whatevs. It's still a party!

Drink it

The furniture in Amber's apartment is now moved to the side of the room. The few visitors left (some from SNSD, EXO, Henry, Donghae and Ailee) together with f(x) and of course, the birthday girl, are now huddled up in a circle sitting on the floor. SuJu, T-ara, Miss A, and a lot of other groups have already said their goodbyes and birthday wishes and are now home.

Clock time: 1 am. Red cups are scattered everywhere. But there's still a lot of booze.

"Okay before we start this game," Henry shouts/slurs happily and points to the celebrant (they've had a coupl—no, a lot of drinks hours before they decide to start this game) "..Amber, yo, HAPPY HAPPPYY BIRTHDAY WOOOO!!!"

They all clap and cheer loudly. Amber, always shy when she becomes the center of attention (even if they're in her apartment and they're all practically drunk), still blushes and smiles warmly.

"Thank you Henry and all you guys!"

"Okay. Let's partaaaay."


"Spin the bottle!!!"

"Who spins first?" Jessica asks, grinning.

This will be so interesting. She thinks, glancing at her younger sister who she knows is very grumpy now (but won't show it) because of the prospect of the girlfriend-bday girl kissing someone else.

Amber sits next to Luna next to Victoria next to Sulli next to EXO members Kai, Kris and Suho next to SNSD members Yuri, Jessica, Sooyoung, Yoona and Seohyun next to Henry next to Ailee next to Donghae next to Krystal next to Amber.

"I will." Kris enthusiastically raises his hand and reaches for the bottle. But before he does, Henry interferes again.

"Wait, just so we're clear, we're all friends here, right?" They all nod.

"So that means no one, I mean no one gets to decline a kiss okay? It doesn't matter if it's a girl to girl or guy to guy, araso? NO. PARTY.POOPER." He looks seriously (more drunkenly) at everyone in the circle.

"Of course!"

"Tongue to tongue is better!"

"I'm looking forward to Kai kissing Suho!"

"But wait!" Henry says again and everyone groans at him. "If ever that person refuses, he/she will drink three...THREE full cups! No stopping! This is what the party pooper will deserve. ARASO?!"


They all laugh and giggle at each others' antics. (Except for one long haired girl that already wants to rest and cuddle up with her girlfriend. But she's willing to endure this childish game because said girlfriend seems ecstatic).

The music is still playing and the club-like lights (that the f(x)'s members installed earlier) are still flashing. Everyone are in a club like feel so this "spin the bottle" game is gonna be effing awesome!

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