Part 17: Captain underpants saves the day and George saves Harold

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No ones pov

Poopypants said, "Soon no more laughter and no to stop the villains in the future."

Captain underpants came along and said, "Stand down poopypants!"

Poopypants said, "Captain underpants I thought you were gone like forever."

Captain underpants said, "Well you guessed wrong."

Alice and Dion went up and saw Melvin tied up.

Melvin said, "Untie me please."

Alice said, "Why so you can destroy us?"

Melvin said, "No because he is a maniac."

Dion said, "Can't argue with that."

They tried to untie him but it was in a tight not.

Melvin said, "Can't you cut it?"

Alice said, "Good idea."

She pulls out her pocket knife and started cutting the rope.

Melvin's mind, "Don't cut my arm please don't cut my arm."

They got him free and went to help captain underpants.

But looks like he has everything under control, he shoots his unlimited underpants at him and used his speed and strength to destroy the hahaguffawchuckleamulas remover 2000. And then he reported poopypants to the police and threw him in jail.

Poopypants yelled, "Curse you Captain underpants!"

Then later with Captain underpants, Alice and Dion they also reported Lisa and to get to their dorm.

Lisa said, "You both where is my George?!"

Alice said, "He"s not your George and you don't deserve him all you do is yell and your insane."

Lisa wants to give Alice a concussion.

They put her in the mental hospital for what she has done.

With Harold and that gang.

Harold was al bruised and was tied up and was trying to struggle his way out and the gang leader ripped off his shirt.

Harold was knocked out by the gang leader and they were about to start until the the leader was knocked out by a bat to the head.

Gang 2 said, "How did you get in here?"

George said, "Through the window, now leave Harold alone."

They got up and said, "Try to."

The two others saw George holding the bat again and they began to fight and so George fought back and he won.

He held Harold and the police came and took him to the hospital and the gang to jail.

In the hospital after the visit, George decides to stay with Harold till he wakes up hopefully soon.

George held Harold and said, "I'm sorry Harold I shouldn't have left you alone and I hope you can forgive me, I care about you, no I love you Harold I should've known you were the one for me and please when you wake up I want you to be with me."

George had tears falling down his face as he kisses Harold on his cheek and fell asleep next to Harold.

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