Part 11: Dion and George's talk about Alice and Lisa finds out about Alice

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No ones pov

The next day

After class

Harold and Edith were getting along and they were talking and George decides to ask Krupp about some stuff about him and mostly about Alice he's getting concerned about her the most.

George said, "Uh Mr. Krupp I need your help and answer to something."

Mr. Krupp said, "Really? I'm surprised that George beard wants my help with something and my answer."

George said, "Yes I know but I need to know something about me and Alice."

Mr. Krupp said, "Who's Alice?"

George said, "Harold's cousins."

Mr. Krupp said, "Okay but what about you?"

George said, "I started getting feelings for Harold and i have feelings for Lisa already and Gwen told me that I might be a bisexual ."

Mr. Krupp said, "That is perfectly fine and besides it makes sense and tell me about Alice."

George said, "She's acting weird and she said that guys are okay but she thinks the girls are really pretty."

Mr. Krupp said, "Okay so that means she might think their pretty and probably jealous."

George said, "And compliment a woman's pants for some strange reason."

Mr. Krupp said. "Probably wants to be nice."

George said, "And Gwen says she's a rainbow."

Mr. Krupp said, "Rainbow? Let me ask you something does she wear lipstick?"

George got a little confused and said, "No, she says she only wear chapstick."

Mr. Krupp got up and left for the door while saying,

"Nice, she's gay or in other words lesbian."

He walked out the door and George started to understand.

George said, "Stupid George how can you not see the signs?"

At the café

George was having coffee and Dion came up to him.

Dion said, "Hey George what are you doing here alone?"

George said, "Just thinking about something but can talk to you?"

Dion said, "Sure."

She sat down and the waiter gave her hot chocolate, she took a sip.

George said, "Is Alice a lesbian?"

Dion spit out her hot chocolate and it got on some people.

Dion said, "Who told you that?!"

George said, "Just saw some signs and is she?"

Dion made sure no one was listening.

Dion said, "Yes she is and she hasn't come out yet and she's scared to tell everyone."

George said, "Okay I understand and we can't tell anyone right?"

Dion said, "No one can know okay."

They got up and left.

But they didn't know someone was watching and hearing them.

It was Lisa, Melvin and Poopypants.

Melvin said, "Wow who knew a girl could like girls."

Lisa said, "That's a good start on embarrassing one of them."

Poopypants said, "Yes it's perfect!"

Melvin said, "Isn't that a little too far."

Lisa said, "Shut up and I'm gonna be the one who outs her."

Lisa had an evil smile on her face.

George x Harold your the one for meWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt