Part 3: Family/Friends activity and George and Harold's night together

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No ones pov

After the café thing they all hanged out for a few hours and then headed to the mall to hang out as friends and Lisa, Dion, Elise and Gwen were going over board with the shopping leaving George, Harold, Billy and Alice carrying everything.

Alice said, "Don't you think this is enough already?"

Lisa said, "No way so much stuff to buy and why don't you buy some stuff also."

Alice said, "No thanks were good."

George said, "Really most girls like to shop but you don't."

Alice said, "Yeah, guess I'm different."

After shopping they had food and they made up some jokes, talked and soon headed back to their dorm rooms.

Lisa said, "Hey babe remember we have our double date tomorrow after class is done with Harold and Billy."

George said, "I'll remember that hon."

George and Lisa kissed and Harold and Billy kissed also, which made Alice and Dion very upset and angry.

They went inside the house in dorm and Alice and Dion was gonna make sure that date goes awful and they would probably break up and they can get George and Harold together.

Alice said, "So how long were you both dating them?"

George said, "We've been dating them for years now and after graduation I was thinking of proposing to her and hopefully she'll say yes and she'll officially be my wife."

Dion said, "How lovely."

Dion's mind, "She won't get the chance."

Alice said, "So what do you guys do for fun around here."

Harold said, "Video games, movies, eat some food, and also make up our own fun."

Dion said, "Alright we can do all that stuff together as family and friends."

Harold and George said, "What?"

Dion said, "You know with our friend George and our family Harold."

George and Harold said, "Oh."

They did some family and with George activities and they started with some video games, and then family games, the game of life, a maze game, and and they messed around with eachother like a family.

Then they watched the funny movie 9 lives and they laughed and they mimicked/copy what they were doing in the movie and had a good laugh. And at the peeing part George and Harold covered Alice and Dion's eyes and they goofed around with eachother like what family and friends do.

After that they had pizza for dinner and Alice and Dion has fallen asleep and George and Harold decided to get some rest too.

In their shared room.

George and Harold lay next to each other and it was kinda a little awkward for them because two friends are sharing the same bed together.

George said, "Never thought we have to share a bed together."

Harold said, "Yeah, kinda weird actually."

George said, "Yeah, I could sleep on the couch if you want."

Harold said, "It's fine because this is your room and we can share and we can get another matress."

George said, "Alright."

Harold closed his eyes and George did the same thing and after a few hours George turnover and his hand was over Harold and Harold turned to George.

The next day

Alice and Dion made the breakfast before they head to class and went to wake them up but chuckled and giggled at them because they thought it was cute that they were sleeping together.

George and Harold woke up seeing them face to face to each other and seeing George holding Harold.

George said, "What happened?"

Harold said, "Don't know, we probably just rolled over or something."

George said, "Yeah."

Alice said, "Okay you love birds go eat your breakfast so you go to class."

George said, "Alright wait hey were not love birds."

Dion said, "Okay."

Dion's mind, 'Totally love birds.'

They ate breakfast and left for class and Alice and Dion started planning on how they are gonna make that date terrible.

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