Chapter 26- Closing

Start from the beginning



"Did you just say O.M.G? Seriously?"

"What? It's a total OMG moment! What do you need? Anything, I'm on it!"

My irritation with CeCe's best friend was at an all time high. Every other word she said was higher pitched than the last. But she was the only one that could help me pull this off.

"I need her size, and any other information you can give me."

"Aaahhhhh!!!!!! I'm freaking out!"

"Yeah, I got that impression."

After a few hours of trying to coax everything I needed from her, and a promise to keep her mouth shut, I headed back home. Thankfully CeCe was still asleep. After the last time I met with Megan in secret, I was getting really worried I would be up shit creek.

When I woke up the next morning, I was surprised to find her not in bed. Then the smell of coffee and bacon made it to my nose.

"Am I in heaven?"

She jumped, I guess I scared her. It was adorable.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!"

I just laughed and hugged her from behind. It really did feel like heaven though. Bacon, coffee, and her in my kitchen. It was like a dream I didn't want to wake up from.

"So what's on the agenda for today?"

"I'm teaching the last of the classes today. I still can't believe it's almost over. I'm... I'm not..."

Tears started falling down her cheeks and my heart broke.

"Hey. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Everything. I don't know. I just want so badly... I mean..."

"Ssshhhhh... baby I get it. I feel the same way. But it'll be okay. We're going to be together again, soon."

I knew she had to leave next week to deal with the details of the next session. But we'd been focusing on more long term issues, that the immediate problem of being apart hadn't been dealt with yet. Even then, we hadn't made any concrete plans for the future either. But I was working on it.

"How about we eat? Then after you're done with your classes, we go for a romantic ride on the lake?"

I could see her stiffen up, but I knew she was trying to deal with her fear.

"Sure. That works. Just promise to be patient with me. Okay?"



After she left I went into town. I had gotten all the information I needed from Megan and didn't have a whole lot of time to get everything. Shopping for women had always been awkward for me, to say the least. I was grateful to have a sales clerk that was very helpful, but I still felt way out of my element.

I strategically sent CeCe a text around noon to tell her that I had something important come up and I wouldn't be home for lunch. She wasn't upset and said she was more than happy to eat in the cafeteria. I'd made sure to talk to Donna about it, so the menu was all things she could eat.

I knew that going to Chicago meant seeing my family, but I wasn't exactly sure I wanted to. Pete had called a few days before and begged me to rescue him from our father's clutches, so we decided to have lunch together. I made sure to invite Mary too though, I needed her advice.

"Elijah! Were you seriously going to be here and not see me?!"

"Hi, Mom."


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