Chapter 57

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I waited in the Den for Dick and our kids to get here. I had missed them so much.
The garage door opened and Dick came in, Justice and Wally ran past him. I got up and hugged my boys.
"Hey I missed you two so much." I Said as I hugged them.
"You look silly." Wally said.
"Is it because Mommy doesn't have any hair?" I asked asI gave Justice a hug.
"How's training with Daddy?" I asked.
"It's fun," he said.
"Well it's a lot of hard work. If you want I could teach you a few spells to help." I Said. Dick came over to us as Justice nodded. I stood up and kissed Dick then took Sage.
"Hey sweetie," I said. She laughed.
"You look well." Dick Said.
"Thank you. I'm feeling good." I Said.
"that's good." Dick Said.
"Four more weeks of Chemo." I said.
"Four short weeks." Dick Said.

I sat in the BatCave. My younger two were taking naps. So we were taking this time to train with Justice for a while. Everyone was helping out. Justice was making a lot of progress in the few months he's been training. He had mastered picking locks, and was pretty good at hand to hand combat. I was kinda thankful we had put him in gymnastics from a young age. It was helping him a lot.
"So if someone comes at you from the right with a punch, you can dodge then kick the legs out from under them." Dick explained.
"When he's ready for the field and you two think he's old enough, he can join the Young Justice team. We'd love to have him." Tim said.
"I think that'd be the perfect place for him to start off."

I sat in my treatment room working on the the sequel to my first mystery novel. A knock came at the door.
"Come in," I Said as I closed my laptop. Jeremy Jordan's head popped in.
"Hey," I Said not expecting him to visit.
"How are you doing?" Jeremy asked. I looked at the IV in my chest.
"I'm doing well, despite my circumstances." I Said.
"I was shock when I heard you we're back in the city." Jeremy said.
"Ya Blüdhaven surprisingly doesn't have a chemo clinic. So I came back to the one place I was trying to get away from." I Said thinking about the glimpses of Jamie I saw the day Sage was born.
"How are your children taking you having cancer?" Jeremy asked.
"We've explained it to our children what I'm going through with my treatment. Wally thinks it so funny that I don't have hair." I smiled.
"Is the entire family in the city?" Jeremy asked.
"No, just me. I'm staying at Wayne Manor. Dick couldn't leave his job and we couldn't very well leave the rent agreement we have with our landlord or pull the kids out of school and reenroll them here. I mean hopefully, it's all going to be over soon." I knocked on wood.
"Jonathan and I have been reading your articles and I decided to come visit you." Jeremy said.
"Thank you, the articles are really hard to write sometimes. Some Days the treatment hurt more than others. And I have a pretty high pain tolerance." I Said As I rubbed the area around where the IV went in.

Jeremy and I chatted about what he had been recently working on.

Jeremy looked at his watch.
"I've actually got to go." Jeremy Said as he got up.
"Why?" I asked. "
I'm going to DC. There's a breast cancer awareness rally tomorrow on the National Mall." Jeremy said as he got up.
"That's so cool, I wish I could go." I Said.
"Oh! I also wanted to tell you that Zodiac has made appearances in Gotham, and Blüdhaven. Obviously with Nightwing. But she was thought to be dead." Jeremy said.
"When it comes to superheroes you can't always assume they'll stay dead." I Said.
"You do have a point, I don't know how many times newspapers companies have had headlines of superhero deaths only for them to come back a few months later." Jeremy said.

After my treatment finished I went back to the manor.
"Hey Bruce, I've got a question." I Said.
"What is it?" He asked as he studied financial papers.
"Tomorrow there's a breast cancer awareness rally on the National mall. I was wondering if Zodiac could go?" I asked. Bruce looked over at me.
"Go, have fun and be careful. Be on alert of media. Pick one trusted reporter to allow an interview." He Said.
"Thank you." I said. I went up to my room and got my Zodiac top out. I started working on the electronics incorporated into it.

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