Chapter 33

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Maria pov
Dick dropped Jamie and Justice off at school.

"Behave today." I said as they climbed out of the car.

"We Will." Jamie said.

I smiled and she waited on the curb for Justice. The teacher helped him out and then Jamie took Justice's hand and they walked inside. Dick put the car in drive and we went on to brunch with M'gann, Connor, Kaldur, Artemis And Wally.

It had been at least a month and a half since we had been hung out together so Artemis suggested  we get brunch together.

I fiddled with my necklace.

"Hey stop It." Dick said.

"sorry, nervous habit." I said.

Wally babbled in the backseat.  I looked back and he was trying to put his foot his mouth.

"I think he's turning into a little catortionist." I said.

"That's my boy." Dick smiled.

Wally's hair was getting much darker. He was definately looking like Dick.

We got to the restaurant and parked. I got Wally out and grabbed his diaper bag. I took Dick's hand and we went inside the café.

Artemis, Wally and Kaldur were already there sitting in a booth in the back. Wally saw us and waved us over. We went over and Joined them in the circular booth.

"There is no room at the end of this table for a high chair." I said. A waiter came over to us.

"Can I start you all off with anything?" He asked.

"Um we're still waiting for two more. But you can get us a high chair." Wally said.

"Alright," he nodded then walked away.

The door opened with the jingle of a bell. We looked over and saw Connor and M'gann. They came over to us and we all got up to greet each other.

"How's the baby, M'gann?" I asked.

She looked a little sad.

"What wrong?" I asked.

"I have to go back to Mars." She said softly.

"The conditions here aren't right. We could loose the baby if I stay." She said.

We all sat back down and M'gann explained that the gravity on earth wasn't strong enough and the atmosphere wasn't right.

"But your kid is half Martian, a forth Kyptonian and a fourth human. couldn't Mars kill the baby?" Wally asked.

"I'm wondering that too." I said.

"Uncle J'hnn thinks it's the best thing for us." She said as she took Connor's hand.

"Well if it means your baby is healthy and safe. Then do it." Dick said.

"Where was that attitude when I was pregnant with Justice?" I asked.

"I didn't know what they were electrocuting you till you were in your third trimester." Dick said. The waiter came back.

"I'm assuming everyone's here and you are all ready to order." He said. 

"I'll have a chai latte with an expresso shot." I said.

"I'll have black coffee." Dick said.

"I'll have a flat white, and he will have decaf." Artemis said.

"No I want three espresso shots." Wally said.

"No!" We All said.

"For the love of God, don't give him espresso." Dick said.

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