Chapter 2

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"Team! suit up!" Dick Said over the coms.

With in a few minutes our old and some new team mates ran into the briefing room. I noticed Connor grip his fist and glaring at me.

"What is this Dick?" Connor asked as he approached Dick.

"Why Are you replacing Maria so quickly? She was your wife. And you go and replace her." Connor yelled at Dick.

"I miss Maria too. and I've been in pieces since I lost her. I miss her with every fiber in my body. And no matter how much I wish I was back home in bed with my kids. Phoenix brings me back to life, she makes me feel whole again." Dick yelled. I mentally gave him applause for his performance.

"Well she's a pretty thing." I heard. We all looked and I saw a new hero. "I'm Abel Power." He said as he walked toward us. He kissed my hand. I resisted the urge to punch

"Nice to meet you." He smirked.

"You too Powers." I said as I shook his hand.

His hand snuck around my back and he pulled me up against him. I put my hands on his chest to keep distance from him. I wanted to use magic but I didn't. I escaped his grasp and did a roundhouse kick to his temple. He fell to the ground.

"Good job Phoenix." Dick said.

I gave him a come and get me smile. He smirked at me.

"Okay what's going on between you two." M'gann asked.

"You should know you walked in on us." Dick said making me blush.

"Can we just do the mission?" Kaldur asked.

"I agree with him." I said.

We got a mission and we're sent out.

When we were done, we were told to hit the showers. I desperately needed one. I grabbed shampoo and soap. I took a shower. I finished and hurried out to get dressed and put cloths on. I put on a long sleeve shirt and pants. I had showered with my necklace on. I dried my hair, put a pair of sunglasses on and then went to the kitchen.

Bart was already in the kitchen eating. I wish Wally was here. I missed him. I went to the fridge and there was a bag of Washington cherries. I grabbed the bag and a bowl. I sat on the couch and put the tv on. I left the static on. Dick came in and he came over and sat with me.

"Remember they don't know who I am." I whispered.

"I know I just want some cherries." He said as he stole a few.

"Are you gonna turn the tv on?" He asked.

"No," I said.

"Alright then." Dick said. Artemis came in.

"Hey Dick." He Said.

"Hey Artemis, you should know Phoenix." Dick said.

"Hey girl how have you been?." She asked as she shook my hand.

"I've been good." I said.

"Well I've gotta go, I've got work and two toddlers at home." Dick said as he got up. I was expecting him to kiss my head but he didn't.

He left and I hung with Artemis. We did a bit of training together. It was just like the old days.

"Connor you mentioned Dick had a wife named Maria. What happened to her?" I asked the rest of the team was in the kitchen.

They all silenced. "She died, she jumped off a building. She was a magician like yourself. But she was mainly an archer, she was like a snippet with a bow, Oliver trained her well." Artemis said.

"But She would jump off and right before she hit the ground she's usually would say a spell to catch herself. I guess she didn't." Connor said.

"They had two kids." Kaldur added. They all were broken up about my death.

"She was apart of our team she went by Zodiac. Till she killed the mayor of Metropolis. Then sent to Bel Rev. Where she went insane. She was part of a team of villains, they called themselves-"

"the Suicide Squad." I interrupted M'gann.

"Yes then she didn't go back and the older Robin and I had to go after her. We walked in on her and Dick. It wasn't fun." Connor said.

I smiled. "But a little over a year later she was released." Bart said.

"She'd been taking care of her son in Bel Rev. Then not even a week later she disappeared." Artemis said.

"I get it." I said as I gripped the counter.

"She got a lot of tattoos after that and changed her name to Nightingale. And became a villain. She interrupted our wedding. It turned out Ivy had brainwashed her.  The Justice league brought her in and brainwashed her back to the was she was before and tried to be a hero again, but no one trusted her. People feared her. We think that's why she jumped." M'gann said.

"Did you give her a memorial?" I asked I saw Red flurries of magic sparking between my fingers. I didn't look at anyone.

"We did." Kaldur said.

"Is it with the others?" I asked as my voice broke.
"Yes how did you-." M'gann said. I ran out. I knew where they were.

I went in and the holograms of the fallen heros. Jason, Tolula, Artemis, Wally, and Me. Standing heroically. Did I really die heroically? I killed her. I fell to my knees and started crying.

"Phoenix?" M'gann asked.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked.

"Uh sure."

"promise you won't scramble my brain?" I said.

"Sure." She said unsure.

I looked at the ground and took my glasses and jacket off then took my necklace off. I looked back up at her.

"Maria." She gasped.

She ran over to me and hugged me. "Why?" M'gann sobbed.

"I'm sorry." I said as I started crying with her.

"I'm so sorry."

"Why? Why would you do this to us?" She asked.

"People feared me. A man nearly died because he was scared of Zodiac. He wouldn't let me help him." I said. "That's when I knew I had to restart."

"But everyone thought you were dead. Did Dick know?" She asked.

"No, I literally woke up in front of Oliver in my casket. I didn't reveal myself to Dick until that night before the morning you and Connor confronted him." I said.
M'gann hugged me again.

"It's good to have you back, sister." She said. We got up and went upstairs.

"Well I need to go." I said.

"Bye Phoenix." M'gann said.

"Goodbye everyone." I said.

A/n: hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Phoenix (Nightwing X OC) #3Where stories live. Discover now