"I did not push him Skye. You have to believe me. He jumped!"

"I...I believe you Mac...but...why would Harper Brown, the kid who literally has everything going for him, jump off of the pier?" I thought back to the last two months. He had never really smiled and there was obviously something wrong. But what? What could have driven him to try and take his own life?

"When he wakes up he is just going to have to tell everyone the truth. How am I supposed to know what was going on in that head of his?"

"Mac they don't know if he is ever going to wake up. The Doctors say that he is almost completely brain dead."

Suddenly it felt like I could not breathe.

Why was all of this happening to me? Why did Harper lie and say that I pushed him off the pier? Why did Harper jump in the first place? Why did I have this strange feeling that Skye did not believe me?

This is what I get for actually helping someone.

I flinched when I heard someone enter the Hospital room. I thought that it was my mother or maybe Goliath. They were the last people I wanted to see right now. I visibly relaxed when I saw that it was Tyler and Edith.

"I am so happy you are okay." Edith yelled and ran over. She hugged me and I cringed.

"Broken bones...Somewhere. You are crushing me."

"Oh sorry. My bad." She laughed and let go. "I am just so happy that you are okay" She sat down next to me.

"Yeah. I am very lucky. What's the damage in any way?" I looked at Skye and swallowed. "Does mom know?"

"They had to call her." He frowned and bit his lip.


"The Doctor said you were extremely fortunate and that he would do some more tests after you woke up. Just a few scrapes and bruises here and there." I did not mind the tests. I did however mind the fact that they had called my mother. I could only imagine how furious she was. She did not like Hospitals. She did not like the idea of there being too much attention on us. Not to mention how much this would cost. She was probably going to tell me that I had to pay her back. I could feel my stomach turn.

"So um. Would you like some Ice Cream?"


"Ice Cream? I always find it makes me feel better. That and cookies, especially chocolate chip ones." Edith smiled and I laughed.

"You are totally speaking my language. Just add some pizza and we have a deal. It feels like I could eat a horse."

"Awesome. Come on Skylar. Let's go." She dragged him out of the room and gave Tyler a look. There was something odd about that girl.

"I did not do it. I was..." Before I could finish my sentence he half lunged at me. His hands were around my face and his lips met mine. At first I was shocked and then I started to kiss him back. It was sort of awkward and dreamlike at the same time.

"I am sorry. I just...I thought that you were going to die. I was...I..." I smiled and grabbed onto his face and kissed him back before he could finish.

"Oh. We will just walk out and pretend like we saw nothing." Edith laughed and dragged Skye out of the room again.

"So...What now?" He asked awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head.

'What do you mean what now smart @$s? You were the one that went all notebook on me. I should ask you that question. What now?"

"Would you...Um...Maybe...Only if you want to...Go out with me?"

"Let me think about it." He seemed worried for a second and I started to laugh.

"Okay. We can maybe do that." I could feel myself start to blush. Why was I reacting this way? Maybe I had a concussion. I did just wake up.


"I mean. Yeah." A part of me wanted to say no, but another part of me, the part that wants to believe that I can actually have a future, wanted me to say yes. I had a right to be happy, did I not?

"Awesome. Great." There was an awkward moment and then he leaned in and kissed me again. "I was planning on doing the whole romantic thing when I finally pulled the courage together to ask you out, but then when I thought that I might lose you, I just did not want to wait anymore. We almost lost you a few months ago when you, you know, tried to hurt yourself and I have been trying to ask you out ever since. I promise to do something more romantic later."

"Do I look like the type of girl who is all into romance? This is fine. This is good. It's perfect."

The first good thing to happen to me in a long time. 

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