Chapter 10

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 After a short shower, I walk down to the kitchen in nothing and a towel. The two boys lays in the armchairs, not a single muscle in their body has moved. Cas lays lazily over the couch. "Dean?" Mom asks, walking out of her hallway "I thought you were up."

 I smile "Morning mom." I give her a hug and she points to the tattoo "About that... I can explain."

 "I like it." she cuts me off "Are you going to school?" I nod and she smiles "Well, I'm off to work." she kisses me atop the head and gives one to Sammy, before walking out.

 The door wakes the three teens in the living room and I hear Cas groan "Five more minutes, Lucifer!"

 I scuff and smack him with a pillow "Get up."

 Sam climbs off of Gabe and Gabe's let's put a painful whine "Gabe, do you need to stay home?" Cas asks, receiving a nod from Gabe "My fault for letting you go three days without your brace." he stretches his body out, before sighing "I'll go get it."

 Once he's left the house, I sit on the couch he was just on. Gabe looks at us both, nervously. Sam looks at his boyfriend in worry. Soon enough, Cas is back with a very large metal brace "How bad is it?"

 "I can't move." Gabe whines, a tear rolls down the side of his face.

 Cas goes completely still and he speaks breathlessly "Can you move your toes?" Gabe nods and Cas breathes out "Okay, Dean, help me get him up."

 I help Cas pull him up and I hold him up while Cas puts on the brace. "What's happening?" I ask as Cas buckles the last buckle.

 "Gabe, try walking." Cas orders. Gabe tries to put some weight on his feet, but starts to fall "Shit." Cas sighs, before looking out the window "Shit!"

 He's gone in second, across our yard, over the fence and into his house. Michael walks in with a smile covering his features, but it soon drops "What's wrong with Gabe."

 "Come hold him." I order "I have a feeling we're going to the hospital."


 We used Michael's van to get here. During the MRI, we finally found out what was wrong with Gabe. Do to his chronic hip dysplasia, the doctor was concerned that the scoliosis could worsen and, eventually, he could loose his legs.

 "Mister Novak?" the doctor asks Lucifer, given that Lucifer stares in shock "We'd like to go in and straighten out his spine with pins." he sighs "On a later date, we'll have to go in and replace his metal ball and socket."

 Lucifer nods and absently speaks "What are the risks of the surgery?" He sits on the edge of the chair, fingers running through his hair in definate anxiety.

 "Well." the doctor repositions himself "There's always a chance that he doesn't walk again, but the odds are extremely low." he states "Gabriel should be fine."

 Lucifer nods and the doctor smiles weakly "I'd like to preform the spinal surgery today, then wait for him to recover, before we deal with the double hip socket replacement." Lucifer nods absently, before the doctor hands him a clipboard "You'll need to sign this for anesthesia and that's to insure the hospital isn't liable for any damages."

 Lucifer scuffs "Yeah, gotta cover your ass." he signs the papers and walks out of the room, followed by Michael.

 Cas gives a weak smile to the doctor "Sorry, he doesn't like hospitals." he holds out his hand "Thank you for helping my brother."

 The doctor smiles "Don't worry. I'll patch him up. I've done it before, haven't I?"

 "Yes, sir." Cas sighs "Can we talk to Gabe before he goes under?"

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