Chapter 10

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We've already shot the scenes leading up to it on the plane and arriving at the house in aspen so today we only have a few scenes to shoot left in aspen. It's been so refreshing getting to work with Rita and Eloise more for the next couple scenes since we haven't filmed many scenes together for the last two movies. I miss having some of my favorite girl friends around. Eloise plays her part of Kate perfectly, acting upset with Elliot as they enter the house, then she waits off to the side so Rita and I can film our scene in the upstairs bedroom. She leads me into the room being Mia's usual overly excited and talkative self. Her sex related comment almost makes me slip up in the scene and I mentally chastise myself for it. I have to keep it together and be professional, no one likes reshoots, but it's a little difficult in the more comical scenes. I toss the jacket I was wearing for my costume onto the bed alone with my heels as piano music starts to play in the other room. Jamie!
I follow Rita to the source of the sound, still in character, and Luke joins us. Jamie begins to sing along with playing the piano and we all watch stunned. His singing makes my jaw drop, even after all the times I've heard him singing. It's so heart wrenching and beautiful and raw with emotion. He looks up from the piano at me and gives me a loving glance. The look he gives me just makes me want to melt into a puddle on the floor. Luke and Rita disappear but then Eloise appears behind me to get my attention. We watch him together for just a moment, then we look to each other to have our scripted girl talk about Kate's troubled relationship with Elliot. I stroke her long straight hair and then the scene is over.

Later in the day Rita and I get together to film the dress buying scene with Elliot. It goes over relatively smooth other than a few issues with the costumes being a little difficult to put on. If only Jamie could see me in this dress... but sadly he's no where in sight. Probably off practicing lines for the next scene he's shooting or maybe he went for lunch. We don't always keep great track of each other on set if we're not directly filming a scene together. It's too hard to keep our relationship on the down low when we're together too much publicly. I twirl around in the dress and take a moment to check myself out in the mirror. Maybe I'll have to wear a dress like this to an event soon. I think it really suits me. Rita runs out of the shot when she says her final line, giving me the cue to grab Eloise by the hand and turn her around. I shove a drink into her hand a little too forcefully, taking my command to distract her for the scene a little too seriously. I finish up the scene with Eloise, then it's officially break time. The only remaining scenes in aspen will be shot this evening and tomorrow morning. Then we'll be done and heading to Paris for the final scenes in no time.

Rita intercepts me for our break and asks me out to lunch. Of course I accept, wanting to soak up the time I have left with her on set. She's the only girl cast member I've really gotten close to. The others are good friends, but Rita is more like a best friend, especially after all the things we've done together. She sits across from me at an outside table at a close-by restaurant and we catch up with each other on our lives. She's particularly curious about my relationship with Jamie. Even though publicly our relationship isn't out, I let Rita in on the secret months ago. I just couldn't keep it from her. "You already shot the infamous Ice cream scene right?" She questions, waggling her eyes brows at me. "Yep." Jamie and I only have a few short scenes left to film together here in Aspen. We shot the last sex scene last night. "So, how was it?" I roll my eyes at her. "Not great. Very sticky." I grimace at the memory. The ice cream scene was a complete disaster. It was hot at first, then totally not, then a little hot again. A mix of heaven and hell. The ice cream was just so cold and messy. It didn't work well. But the part of Jamie licking it off me certainly was a favorite moment of filming for me. If I play my cards right I think I can convince Jamie into a redo of our own off set. Perhaps with something a little warmer than Ice cream. "Okay, well it has to be good in real life though right?" She asks, making me giggle. "Of course." I announce, a bit too proud of that statement. I lean in towards her over the table a little, trying to keep our conversation between just us since a couple just arrived at the table next to ours. "To be completely honest Jamie's amazing in bed. The best I've ever had. It's kinda mind-blowing, just a little bit. But don't say anything to him about me saying that and I mean it!" I rush to make sure she knows it's top secret, knowing by the way her jaw dropped she will want to tell. "He gets easily embarrassed by stuff like that. He's not as open as I am about it." I explain, somewhat defensive of him. I don't want to repeat the serious Jamie blush fest that happened when my mom sort of caught us at her house. "Who would've thought shy, sweet Jamie would be such a freak!" She exclaims, bursting into giggles. "Shush, Rita! Damn." I smack her arm and she calms down a bit. I'm glad that Rita and I can talk about anything together. I was worried that whatever was going on with us, our little flirtationship thing, would make things awkward, but it didn't. When things got serious with Jamie and things between Rita and I ended, we just had an amazing friendship left after. It all worked out the right way in the end.

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