Chapter 9

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Coming to set on my birthday seemed to make it feel like more of a normal day which was relaxing somehow, to not feel the pressure to make it a big deal, but also disappointing. I thought surely Dakota would do something for my birthday if not anyone else, but so far she's hardly even mentioned it. I'm starting to wonder if she forgot. Of course Amelia called first thing in the morning to wish me a happy birthday and to let Dulcie do the same and I know that really that's all I needed to be content on my birthday, but part of me was hoping maybe Dakota would do something to celebrate. She almost always does with every other holiday or other people's birthday. She's a big celebrator, but also a big prankster. Maybe the lack of birthday excitement is to catch me off guard for a prank of some sort. My suspicions grow stronger when I notice that most of the cast and crew have gathered over by my trailer on set, all looking rather suspicious. Dakota's in the mix as well, right near the front of the group, and she waves me over excitedly. I sprint over to them and give Dakota a puzzled look. "What's going on?" I question and her smile turns to a knowing smirk. "Why don't you open up that door and find out." She suggests, with a wink. I slowly make my way over to the trailer door and open it up, sending balloons popping out at me. "Surprise!" Dakota yells, along with everyone else. I burst into laughter at the ridiculous amount of balloons she's completely filled my trailer with. This must've taken her so much time and effort, not to mention the work of sneaking it past me. I turn around fully surprised and smile at her. "I can't believe this! You're such a little sneak!" I grab her in a big hug and spin her around while she laughs excitedly. "Well, go on. Jump in there." I shake my head at her, but go ahead and turn and dive right into the mass of multi-colored birthday balloons. The laughs outside the trailer grow louder and I know the cast and crew are enjoying the show. What a great way to start off my birthday with a brilliant prank from the most amazing girlfriend.

I join the group once I make it out of the death trap of balloons and Erika offers me a cupcake with a little birthday candle on it. "Thank you, all of you. This has been a great birthday surprise." I thank them, accepting the cupcake with an unlit candle. "That's not all." Dakota jumps up and lights my candle then in sync everyone starts to sing happy birthday to me. All I can do is shake my head in disbelief. I know Dakota is behind all this and that makes me love her even more. She's so caring and a sensational planner in everything she does, especially pranks. When they finish the song I blow out the candle and Dakota and I share the cupcake. "How did you even manage to pull this off?" I ask her, still in awe. "I got the balloons late last week and snuck them in here for you with a little help from Erika." She shrugs it off like it's nothing, but I know she's proud of herself. "Oh, and there's more. We're having a party when we're done here for the day." She gives me a quick kiss, then she has to go get ready for filming in her trailer. I'm left to find one that isn't occupied by balloons to use until we can clear the balloons out.

On our way back to the apartment, we pick up Dulcie and Elva from Amelia to come over to celebrate my birthday together as a family. As I wanted, the party is laid back and relaxing. It's just me, Dakota, Dulcie, and Elva. My little family, together to celebrate. It's Elva's first time over, but she warms up to Dakota relatively easily. Dakota just has this warm, mothering quality to her. It makes me hopeful for us to have kids together someday. We have dinner together of my favorite meal, then afterwards Dakota gets my cake out and set up on the table. It's a chocolate cake with a nicely decorated frosting layer on top. I also notice the big one-hundred candle in the middle, making me chuckle. "Dakota you know damn well I'm not turning one-hundred." She giggles and shrugs. "I don't know it's a pretty close call." I shake my head at her bad age joke and she laughs harder. "I'm only turning thirty-four. That's not that old." I defend myself. "I don't know old man... it's pretty old." She comes up behind me as I sit down at the table and she runs her fingers through my hair as I light the candle. Elva coos at the sight of fire, while Dulcie claps excitedly. "Okay, guys ready to sing happy birthday to daddy?" Dakota asks the girls, hyping them up even more than they already were. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Dulcie cheers, hoping up and down in her seat. Dulcie loudly sings happy birthday while Dakota just whispers it in my ear, then I blow out the candles, wishing only that we can do the same next year. We all head back to the living room together and eat cake while we watch tv from the couch and I sip on a beer. Dakota snuggles into my side that isn't occupied by Dulcie and Elva sits in the bouncy chair we brought her. I couldn't be more relaxed and content with my evening. Dakota somehow knew just what I wanted today without me having to ask. She knows how to be mature but she puts her own special twist on it. She makes me feel young again somehow. Like I have a lifetime of second chances ahead of me and plenty of more firsts.

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