Chapter 15

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Dakota's speech was beautiful. As we walk out to wait for our ride after dinner, I tell her that. She interrupts the stream of compliments coming out of my mouth by full on leaning onto my shoulder and into a hug. At first I think she must be really touched by my comments on her speech, then she pushes up on me and looks up through her eyelashes at me. I can smell the wine still clearly on her breath. "Thank you." She smiles sweetly, her voice barely a whisper. Then she inches her lips up towards mine and kisses me. She forces her tongue between my lips and kisses harder than I expected, catching me completely off guard. Sometimes she can be so hard to keep up with. I suppose I can be the same way sometimes. She pulls away just enough to look into my eyes as she bites down on my bottom lip, hard. I moan in a mix of pain and arousal. She releases her teeth from my lip and her hand slides down to my crotch. "Dakota?" My voice is rough and low, trying not to draw too much attention to us, but also unable to fully control myself. "Hmm?" She smirks as she moves her hand up and down in a cupping motion. I grab her hand and hold it behind my back and she frowns. "Believe me, I want to. But we're in the middle of the street...what's going on with you, Dakota? You've been so distant and jumpy lately and then you go and try to fuck me in front of everyone on the street. I'm just so confused." I shake my head, trying to put together the puzzle she's presented me with the last few weeks. "Oh gosh.." She sighs and steps down from me. "I'm sorry, Jamie. I know I've been acting strange lately and I should've just explained the situation to you before. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid, partly of your reaction, but mostly afraid of my own reaction. I missed my period for three weeks." She explains, making my chest tighten with anxiety. "I'm not pregnant. I checked today. I think that it was just stress or maybe something's just a little off this month, but I'm not pregnant. I'll make a doctor's appointment tomorrow to be positive everything is fine with me, but it's definitely not a baby." She says, her voice filled with relief. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner." She apologizes and I can't think of anything better to say in that moment than that I accept her apology.

Dakota and I sit together on our flight to visit my father in Ireland and I admire the view out the window while she lays back and tries to sleep. The toddler in front of us is loud and I know the little boy is keeping Dakota up. Instead of complaining, she sits up and begins to engage the toddlers attention. She plays peek-a-boo with him and the sight reminds me of the night she told me about her fear of being pregnant and the outcome. Looking back on that night I can't help but smile a little, it was a good night. We got a ride back to the apartment together and had some of the most mind blowing sex we've had since our relationship started. After having waited for three weeks we had plenty of built up energy to pull a near all nighter together in our bed, making up for the lost time. I wish I had been able to talk more with her about the pregnancy scare she had. I didn't like that she had chose to go through it alone. I didn't want her to feel like she ever had to do it again should the problem occur again. I wish she knew that when my chest tightened in anxiety it was only for fear of her being unhappy about having a baby, not myself. In a way I kind of wished she was pregnant. I know it's not the best time for that and that I want to do things in the right way this time around with her, but I want to have a baby with her. Babies even. But I know if that's not what she wants it won't happen. I would never want her to feel forced into having children. She's already accepted Dulcie and Elva as her own, more kids might be too much for her to handle. Still, I know we'll have to talk about it further if we want to continue to grow as a couple.

When we get to my dad's place he's already waiting for us. He's cleared out the guest bedroom for us to say over night and prepared some of my favorite foods for us to have dinner together. I'm so thankful that he has everything ready for us and I tell him that profusely as we enter the house. Dakota and I are exhausted from the travel and starving from the lack of decent food on the plane. Dulcie and Elva stayed with Amelia unfortunately, and I know my dad is disappointed by that even though he's excited to meet Dakota and spend time with me. He's obsessed with his granddaughters, as all grandparents are. After the initial greeting hug and chat with him, I take Dakota's and I's luggage to the bedroom we're staying in. When I come back I can just barely make out the words Dakota and my father are exchanging in the main room. Dakota looks like she's in near tears, but she's smiling brightly. "You've been such an amazing force in his life. I've never seen him so happy and so comfortable in himself. Not even with Millie. When his mother died things got really rough with him and I didn't think he'd ever recover from it, that the sadness would always be there to hold him back, but I think with you he's really starting to find a way to be truly happy. I couldn't thank you enough for putting up with my son and all the baggage that comes with him. I know he really appreciates it and so do the kids. I've never seen him more in love." My dads words surprise me. I thought he'd never love one of my girlfriends more than he did Millie. After all she gave me children, his grandchildren. She was one of the best things to happen to me. Yet somehow he knows just as well as I do that Dakota is everything to me. So much better than anyone else I've been with, so much more meaningful and loving than anyone else in my life. She's solid, holding me down through the waves of depression and doubt and anxiety. She's young, yet she's more wise than I am. She's bright and caring and inspires me everyday to do better for myself and for the people I love. She's helping me heal the hole I've had in my heart since my mother died. She hugs my dad and I smile. Tears form in my eyes knowing that I have her, that she's not going to leave me, that she's the one and we're here building a beautiful life together. "Welcome to the family." My dad says, kindly. He gives her another hug as I move to approach them, then he gives me a pat on the back. "Never let this one go, Jamie." Knowing I have my dad's approval means the world to me and I know that my mother would approve too.

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