Chapter 17

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With everything that's happened with filming at different locations and my divorce and the premieres for Darker, Dakota and I have moved around a lot. We've been in so many apartments and hotel rooms I've lost count. But finally we've gotten on a stable enough schedule to obtain a permanent residence. We picked the house together after months of looking and now that we've bought it all that's left to do is move ourselves in. The location is perfect for our needs, the house is big but not overwhelmingly so. It's got a huge backyard for zeppelin and the kids. Our lives are finally settling down into a more relaxed and normal routine. Well, as normal as our lives can get anyway. Dakota comes by me with a box in her hands as Dulcie runs through the yard with Zeppelin. "I'll get the rest you just finish unpacking!" I tell her, feeling bad for allowing her to carry any of the boxes in at all. They're heavy and even though I know she's plenty strong enough she shouldn't have to exert herself when I'm perfectly capable of doing the work for her. I carry the rest of the boxes in two by two and Dakota unpacks them nearly as fast as I can carry them in. It's a team effort, but we manage to get everything inside and partially unpacked by the time the sun goes down. With all the necessities out and in their rightful places we can call it quits for the day and start with the less important items tomorrow. After a quick dinner of pizza that we got delivered to the house, Dulcie gets picked up by Amelia for the night per my request. Dakota, oblivious to my plan, pouts as Dulcie leaves, wishing she could've stayed over night. "Why don't you go grab a shower and I'll clean up in here." I suggest to Dakota as she's moping by the window. "Thanks. I think we both could really use a shower after today." Her sundress is nearly sticking to her from sweat and my clothes are in a similar condition. "Actually...why don't you join me?" She asks, giving me that look that I know means she doesn't just want to shower. "You don't have to ask me twice." I scoop her up into my arms and she screams, caught off guard as she's lifted up and the floor beneath her leaves her feet. She giggles as I run her up the stairs and to our shower.

The shower water sprays out in the space between us as Dakota and I stand together under the shower head. Her hands skim up and down my back and over my shoulders, leaving soapy water in their place. She then washes my front and slides down to her knees to wash my legs. Her eyes gleam up at me, dark and sultry, as her hands wrap around my growing erection. Her washing me turns into a hand job and within seconds I'm leaning against the shower wall, panting and moaning as I come into her hand and on her chest. I watch as she moves to stand again and she gently kisses my cheek, then the tip of my ear. "I think is time for you to wash me now." She whispers and I smile and nod in agreement. I wash her hair first, then her upper body and down her middle. When she's all clean, I take her in my arms, ready to return the favor for earlier. I position us against the shower wall and she puts her foot up on a ledge to steady us as I enter her. She feels so good. She's home to me, in every sense of the word.

We walk the property together, just admiring the beautiful landscape of our backyard. Along the back edge wildflowers have grown and vines and trees are everywhere. "I told you're mother we'd visit tonight if we had time after moving. If that's alright with you." Dakota furrows her brows in confusion. "You've spoken to my mother?" She asks. "Yes, your father too. They're both at the house today and I mentioned that we could stop by if we had time." She gives me a strange look and I start to worry that she's onto my plan, but then her face relaxes into a smile. "I suppose it has been a while since we've seen them. Let's go. But only for a little while. I'm sleepy." She says, brushing her cheek against my shoulder and yawning. "Okay, I promise we'll be home shortly so you can get to sleep." The small drive to her mothers house feels like an eternity to me. My heart is hammering in my chest. Worse than when I called her parents to ask for their approval on proposing to her, worse than when I told them I had decided to do it at the house tonight. Excitement and anxiety mingle together inside my brain and body, and I hope Dakota doesn't notice something is up. We get past the initial greeting with her parents and I get her alone in the backyard, just in view of the windows so everyone inside can see us. "Dakota, I actually brought you out here because I wanted to ask you something. Not just to visit your parents. I know this is a special place to you and that you feel at ease here and I know you value your family's opinions a lot." I get down on one knee and she lets out a gasp, her eyes tearing up in the corners. "I've already asked your parents permission. They were overjoyed about it, but more importantly than how they feel is how you feel so it all comes down to this one question. Dakota Mayi Johnson, I love you and I know you love me too, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you and have children with you. I promise to always do the right thing by you. I promise to respect you, to encourage you, to love you without conditions. Dakota, will you do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man alive?" She drops her hand and the smile on her face is huge. "Yes. I will. Yes! Yes! Yes!" She drops down to her knees, down to my level, and allows me to slip the brilliant diamond engagement ring on her delicate finger. We can hear her family cheering from the kitchen as she pulls me in for a kiss, but their voices disappear with the sound of her quiet moan and soft breath. She's the one for me. I knew that when I met her. And now I know I'm the one for her too.

My Lover | Damieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن