Chapter 12

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Early in the morning before it's time to be on set I meet my friend Emily for a quick outing for breakfast. She agreed to come to Paris for the last few scenes of freed to visit me since she wanted to see France and we hardly ever have time together now that I'm with Jamie so much of my free time. It's bittersweet getting to see her. I've missed her so much, but I know that the busier my schedule gets the less I'll get to see her. When our little breakfast date is over I head straight to our meeting place for filming, knowing my punctuality is incredibly important to keep us on track and our timeline right for the movie release.

The first scene we film is the simplest one, all we have to do is film us walking through the streets and going on a little sight seeing trip. We lock arms or hold hands as we walk. The next scene takes place in the opera house later on in the evening, then it's the one of us running through the rain to find shelter and get dinner together. Jamie uses his jacket to shield us from the rain, but that doesn't prevent us from still getting drenched. We film the scenes in the palace the next day of filming. First it's just Jamie and I, then I have to film an alternate version with Eric Johnson for Anastasia's nightmare. We later film the scene with the bracelet and Jamie and I passionately kiss for the cameras after a fit of giggles from the both of us. We film a scene on the boat as we hold each other and Jamie playfully runs his fingers through my hair and massages my scalp. I practically fall asleep in his arms I'm so relaxed. Almost every day we break at the same time and Jamie and I have lunch together at a new restaurant each day. We try all sorts of French foods we've never had and exchange our favorites. Over the week we get to stay we want to enjoy the French culture as much as possible. In honor of that we do a lot of French kissing behind closed hotel room doors and behind the scenes on sets. Something about being in the city of love leaves us unable to keep our hands off each other. We film the bike riding scene at sunset and the whole crew gets a little teary eyed knowing our days of work together are dwindling.

At sunrise on the third day here we gather at the beach for the beachside scenes of the honeymoon. Amelia comes to visit with both Jamie's daughters and I do my best to be friendly towards here even though were still not on the best of terms. During breaks we all swim in the ocean together and hang out on the boat. I have to admit spending all this time with Jamie in just his trunks might just be the highlight of our time in France. We have our own little diving contest off the side of the boat and when we meet each other underwater our bodies collide. Jamie scoops me up and manages to keep us both afloat somehow, fully amazing me. I don't mind that the cast and crew can see us openly being so affectionate. The closer we get to the end of filming, the less it matters who knows of our relationship. Jamie pulls me in for a wet kiss as we kick our feet in unison, staying above the water. We share a laugh when our toes touch, but our moment is short lived when we have to get back to shore to finish our scene.

We lay out in the sun, soaking up the warmth side by side and I playfully smirk at his serious Christian Grey face. Just like in our script I ask him to apply some sunscreen on my back and he obliges. He unties the back knot of my bright yellow string bikini, them squirts the white sunscreen onto his hands. He tenderly rubs it into my back  with his strong soothing hands. I wouldn't mind doing just this scene for the rest of the day. His hand then works its way to my lower back, then he announced he's done with the application and swats my behind. I moan silently to myself and he takes his sunglasses off, revealing his eyes. He climbs out of the seat to go for a swim and I follow the scene and remove my top completely, against his characters wishes. I watch Jamie as he walks up out of the water, he does his staged sexy walk instead of his normal goofy walk, but I still can't take him entirely seriously when he nearly trips. He has to do just the walking portion of the scene countless times to get it right, giving me plenty of ammunition to tease him on later and plenty of relaxing time to soak up the sun. By the time he finishes his solo scene, I'm fairly certain I have developed a slight tan. I get up and put on the coverup portion of my costume and Jamie starts up the jet ski we get to ride on for the last part of the beachside scenes. Anxiety tenses in my stomach as he pulls up as close to shore as possible for me to get on. This is it! It's my cue to go. I take a running start on the platform set up for me by the stunt guy, then with a scream, I hop onto the back of the jet ski. I wrap my arms tightly around Jamie and bury my head into the crook of his neck, terrified by my irrational fear of falling off. "Please don't let me fall." I whisper, strengthening my grip on his bicep. "I would never. Now, you better hold on tight." He warns, then the platform is pulled away and we shoot off. Water splashes around us like a fountain as we go shooting through the water. I scream this time out of delight rather than fear as we do a small turn, then a full circle. "Jamie!" I squeal, making him chuckle when I get soaked with water and my grip on him gets slippery.  We continue to ride through the water and Jamie does little twists and circles, getting us splashed even more. It's fun, I have to admit. By the time we have to take it back up to shore I'm a little disappointed we have to stop, but I'm happy for the opportunity to get some rest back at the hotel. We're going to need it after such an eventful day.

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