14. Rescue

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14. Rescue

Tony POV

It was the day after Percy had been taken and we were all still shaken up over it. We were all seated round a table in the living room, planning our next moves.

"I still don't understand why they took him, and who even were they?" Natasha asked.

I slumped back in my chair and sighed, "What does it even matter, we just need to get him back?"

"Why do you even care about the mortal, you have only known him a few days?" Loki asked, looking at us curiously.

"Of course we care about him!" Steve exclaimed.

"But he hasn't done anything interesting and you haven't known him long enough to be friends," Loki said.

"Well for one he hasn't blown up my house, which earns him a few points in his favour. Why do you hate him so much anyway? He hasn't even done anything to you," I asked, "I mean the hulk, Bruce, hit you into the floor repeatedly and you don't mind him."

"Your group of mortals are boring and predictable. I don't know him yet and he seems different to you guys, he feels a bit like magic but not, that worries me."

"Were getting off point here. Loki, I don't care that he feels weird to you, you need to help us rescue him. He's part of the team and we should be discussing how to get him back," Steve said, glaring at me and Loki.

"How are we meant to find him, we don't even know who took him," Clint stated, falling back into his seat in exasperation.

"That's not exactly true." a voice called from the doorway behind me.

"Director Fury? What do you mean? Can we find Percy?" Bruce asked.

"S.H.I.E.L.D has been tracking an unknown group for the last two months and, if our intel is trustworthy, they are the ones who took Percy," Fury said as he walked into the room, taking a seat at the head of the table.

"How do we find them?" I asked.

"Percy is somewhat of a hazard for us so when he joined the team we fitted him with a tracker, just to make sure we can always find him." he told us, looking us in the eyes as if daring us to question him.

"Trackers! Great, I bet you have them in all of us, don't you? That's how you were able to find me so easily isn't it," Bruce exclaimed, standing out of his chair and glaring in Fury's direction.

"Bruce, we don't have a tracker in you. I had teams constantly monitoring your movements. Percy on the other hand is different, he repeatedly goes off the grid and any teams sent to track him failed, which us why he has the tracker," Fury told him calmly.

Bruce sat back down in his chair but continued to glare at Fury.

"Well, as entertaining as that was, can we get back to the matter at hand so I can finally leave your wonderous company," Loki said.

"Yes," Fury said, shooting a glare at Loki, "We have tracked Percy's location to a small airfield just outside the city. Our intel reports that there are only at most twenty men inside though they do have heavy artillery."

"So, what's the plan?" Clint asked.

"I'm afraid it's just up to you guys, think of it as a team exercise. We can't spare any of our people when we don't know who we are up against, it's too many unknowns for the board of directors and they want us to abandon him," Fury told us.

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