8. Settling In

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8. Settling In

Percy POV

After the lovely meeting with my new kind-of-boss, I was escorted to Stark Tower. We came in through a back entrance to avoid any reporters that could be waiting at the front of the building, apparently Tony really is famous.

We stopped in front of a large elevator and I started top panic slightly, I haven't been in one since the Doors of Death and I was still a bit anxious. Bruce seemed to notice my worry and looked at me strangely.

"Are you okay Percy?" He asked, alerting the group of my discomfort.

"Yeah... It's nothing. Is it okay if I take the stairs, you know to keep in shape and everything?" I asked, shooting a pleading look at Tony.

He looked at me sadly, "Sorry kid, I don't have any stairs. Don't worry though; there is a training room upstairs where you can keep in shape all you want."

I smiled weakly and reluctantly got into the elevator, everyone following behind me. The doors closed and I tried not to panic. It's just an elevator, no monsters killing your friends at the bottom. But there is also no Annie with me this time. I miss her, her princess curls, grey eyes always so calculating until she looked at me and they seemed to shine with love. I miss her so much.

The doors dinged as we reached the right floor and I let out a silent sob at my thoughts of Annabeth. The others didn't seem to notice and they all got out, but Loki seems to glance at me before he too stepped out.

I followed tony as he gave me a tour of the building; the pool, training room, living room, kitchen, lab and finally my room. It was a dull beige colour but that was made up for by the large window in the far wall, built in storage, en suite bathroom and massive bed.

"I know it isn't the best, but if you need anything then just tell JARVIS and we can get it for you." Tony informed me, going to walk out.

"Who's JARVIS?" I asked, I hadn't met him earlier, was he not part of the team?

"Oh! He's my AI butler, just speak out loud and he will reply." Tony told me, "JARVIS, close the blinds."

The blinds seemed to close all by themselves but then I heard a creepy disembodied voice reply, "Anything else master Tony?"

"Master Tony?" I asked Master Tony, worried JARVIS called everyone that. I have enough trouble as it is with fishes calling me Lord.

"Damn it, Clint has been reprogramming JARVIS again, don't worry I will have it fixed later." He informed me, "Is there anything else you need before I go?"

"When can I go and get my stuff from my house and let my mum know that I'm alright?" I asked, worried they wouldn't let me see her for ages. I've only seem her for half a day since I got back.

"I'm sure we can go tomorrow, it's a bit late now and dinner will be soon. But you can phone her later if you would like?" He asked.


"Ok, JARVIS will call you for dinner. I'll leave you to get settled in." He told me, exiting my room.

I walked over to my bed and collapsed onto it with a sigh, this has been a long day. First the war ended and everything that came with that; next I finally see my mum again after nearly a year only for her to be possessed and jump off a roof; then I'm recruited into a team of superheroes, against my will, and finally; I have a creepy voice telling me when to eat.

Could this get any worse?

Kinda with I hadn't said that. Maybe I'll get a day to myself?

"Mortal," I heard a voice from the door call at me.

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