2. This Girl Is On Fire...

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2. This Girl Is On Fire...

Percy POV

The Argo II had just landed at camp half-blood, and I made the others promise not to tell anyone about my accident. They all laughed at me but agreed, after lots of glares.

Gods, it wasn't like it's my fault I got a nosebleed.

We climbed off the ship and were met with the stern face of Annabeth's mum. Good old Athena.

Maybe that's why Aracne challenged Athena to the weaving contest, to try to get her to show some emotion. I mean Annabeth obviously takes after her mum but at least she smiles sometimes, normally when I've done something stupid, but still! I'm getting off track...

But there was an upside to seeing Athena's scowling - cue thunder - I mean... uplifting face. It seems to have united the camps.

And! I can't see good old 'stabbed teddy bears give me answers' anywhere. I really liked that pillow pet...

We jumped off the ship and ran to join in with the fighting. Me and Annabeth ran to fight monsters by the creek; Leo, Frank and Hazel left to go rebuild all the war machines and aim them at the monsters; Jason, for some reason, decided to go check on Nico and Piper decided to follow.

It all seemed to be going pretty well, obviously there were a few casualties as this is a war. The Romans were fighting in formations and shouting commands at each other; they seemed slightly confused by the Greek 'stab anything that moves!' approach.

Leo had fixed all the war machines and added upgrades so they were shooting Greek fire and killing monsters in large groups. Whenever a monster got too close a wall of rock and gems was shot up out of the ground by Hazel, who was standing close by. Frank was flying around in the form of an eagle surveying the battlefield, then transforming into a dragon to help whenever needed.

I could see Nico trying to help in the first aid tent with a blond boy, Will I think, who seemed to stop every so often just to smile at the self proclaimed Ghost King. Nico just sat looking awkward on one of the makeshift beds, trying not to scare any of the patients.

Jason was side by side with Piper, much like me and Annabeth, they were a whirl of swords with the occasional lightning bolt shooting through the middle.

My job was to stand exactly where Annabeth placed me and just attract monsters. All around me you could hear the monsters hissing 'Perseus Jackson'.

You know, I think they call me that just to get on my nerves. I do tell everyone, even monsters, to call me Percy. I bet they sit around in Tartaurus and discuss who killed them, and whenever a new monster says 'Percy Jackson' they all correct them. Like, 'we may never kill him (I hope at least) but let's annoy him for the rest of his days!' cue evil laughter. Anyways...

Every now and then Annabeth would make me call up a wave and trap a group of monsters that then we killed, before repeating the whole process again.

It was all going great; and I think that's where we went wrong.

Gaea, oh the great and mighty earth primordial. Who happily wakes up from my third rate nose blood, decided to make a scene.

When she appeared all the other monsters seemed to back off and the fighting stopped.

She looked over to me and Annabeth and gave us a, what was probably meant to be sweet, smile. "Awhh, it's my favourite two demi-gods!"

I just scoffed at her, then realised something, "Why were you so adamant (yeah I know big words) in getting our blood? Why not like Jason and Piper?" I asked.

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