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Fury sat behind his desk on the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier, glaring at the screen in front of him. He was checking over old files to see if he could find potential applicants to join the Avengers Initiative. They already had five, and Thor, but if there had been more then they could have reduced the damage done to the city.

It had nearly cost Fury his job when the billionaire decided to fly through the portal into space; but Fury was pretty sure the board was angry it didn't get rid of the annoying Avenger.

He raised an eyebrow (yes, he has two eyebrows) when he saw the next file. It hadn't been updated in a few years; this was usual for files belonging to normal people, but his file had been stamped classified so many times it was hard to read.


Name: Perseus 'Percy' Jackson

Age: 17 (Born: 18-08-93)

Immediate Family:
Sally Jackson (mother)
Gabe Ugliano (step-father, missing since 2005)
Paul Blowfis (step-father)

Description: Black hair, Green eyes, Tan complexion, 5'8" (age 16).

Points of Interest:

- Suspected terrorist (since 2005)

- Blew up school bus with cannon. (A/N. People on the bus were reading a Thalico fic, they don't deserve to live.) No fatalities.

- Dumped class into shark tank. No fatalities.

- Drove bus off road, then blew it up. No fatalities.

- Blew up St. Louis Arch. No fatalities.

- Kidnapped (age 12), gun fight with captor. Reason CLASSIFIED. No fatalities.

- Off Radar ages 13-15 doing CLASSIFIED.

- In Manhattan when the city slept (age 16), doing CLASSIFIED

If needs to be apprehended approach with EXTREME caution.



Fury double checked the screen to make sure he was seeing it correctly, how can a 17 year olds file be so classified?

Fury tried to access the classified information, wondering why it wasn't showing up for him. He was the director of shield after all. A message popped up on the screen:

'Access Denied, Security Clearance Level CLASSIFIED Required'

Now Fury was really worried, how was a S.H.I.E.L.D level classified?

"I think I found our newest recruit, if his folder is this classified then he must be pretty powerful," Fury muttered to himself.

He pressed a button under the desk, calling Agent Coulsen to his office. (A/N. No, he isn't dead, he's bae :3)

"Yes Sir?" Agent Coulsen asked when he walked into Fury's office. He wasn't often called to the office; Fury was normally on the deck of the helicarrier with Hill and the other Agents.

"I need you to assemble the Avengers, I found them a new recruit."

Fury POV

The Avengers all walked into the conference room looking confused; they hadn't all been called together since I told them Loki would be joining the team. Now that was a lovely meeting.

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