9. Family

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9. Family

Percy POV

After pizza and making small talk to the team, Tony showed me where the phone was. JARVIS. Apparently he 'forgot' to tell me that I could have called my mum ages ago if I had just asked JARVIS.

I went back to my room for privacy before calling her,

"Hey mum," I said anxiously once I heard her pick up.

"Percy! Where are you?" she asked and I could hear the tears in her voice, "I have only seen you for a few hours since you got back."

The emotion from the day I have had suddenly overcame me and I sobbed into the phone, "I'm sorry mum, I couldn't save you. The people that did kidnapped me and now I have to join another world saving team."

"Oh Percy," I heard her sigh, "I understand. I'm sorry about what happened; there is nothing you could have done."

"I should have gone with you when you went to get your bag!"

"Percy, listen to me," she exclaimed, "Don't worry. I'm fine, Paul got home and he can't wait to see you again. I understand if you can't but please come and see us as soon as you can. We have some big news."

"I will mum; I think I'm going to come home tomorrow to pick up some stuff. I'll see you tomorrow, I want some sleep." I told her, "Love you."

"I love you too honey, I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well," she said softly, hanging up the phone.

My emotions still heightened, I lay down on the bed in a ball and cried, "I miss you Annabeth."


"Sir, Mister Rogers requests your presence in the kitchen," I again woke up to the sound of JARVIS.

I signed, sitting up and shaking my head to rid it of the nightmares of last night. Quickly putting on some black jeans and a white t-shirt I found in the wardrobe I walked out the door to go meet Steve.

"Percy," he exclaimed once he saw me enter the kitchen, "I thought you might want to go and get your belongings from your house this morning, and see your mother of course."

I smiled brightly at the idea, "Sounds good. Where is breakfast?" I asked, looking round the large room and many cupboards for some cereal. Gods, I should stop talking to Demeter...

"There are some pop tarts here," Steve told me, passing me the box.

I saw the label and smiled, blueberry.

"Thanks, can we eat on the way? I really want to see my mum. I haven't seen her in ages." I asked.

"You were with her yesterday, but yes we can leave now. Do you want to walk or drive?" he asked me, walking towards the elevator.

"I haven't seen her for eight months other than yesterday. Can we walk?"

"Oh, how come you haven't seen her?" Steve asked, looking at me with curiosity.

"Yes," a voice from the elevator drawled, "I would like to know that as well."



"Family problems."

Sadly this only seemed to make Loki more curious.

"I'm coming with you," the god at the elevator told me, leaving no room for argument.

I just signed and looked at Steve, "DO we have to take the elevator?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Percy," He looked at me sadly, "There aren't and stairs, Tony was telling the truth. If you don't mind me asking, why don't you like elevators?"

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