10. Training

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10. Training

Steve POV

I woke up at five like usual and was about to head out for a morning run round the city when I heard noises coming from the training room. Curious as to who would be awake this early, I walked in.

It was Percy.

He was on the training mats with a sword, hacking apart the electronic fighting dummies that Tony made. He didn't seem to notice as I came in so I decided to watch him for a while and see how good he was.

He was fighting four dummies at once, on what looked like the hardest setting. Even Natasha struggles with them.

He was in the middle of a circle of them, two of them were attacking him from the front but he just ducked and rolled whenever they got close enough to try and land a hit. The other two were charging their electric taster weapons and approaching from behind.

He rolled under a punch from one of the first two robots and swiftly decapitated both the robots behind him. But the last one was approaching as his back was turned and it looked like it was holding one of Tony's experimental weapons.

Its raised arm was glowing with a neon green light and orange sparks were flying off of it. Percy turned around, sword swinging, but stopped confused when he saw the arm.

"Wha-" he started to say before an explosive flash of green light flew from the arm. I leapt forward to push him out of the way but with unnatural reflexes he ducked under the light and at the same time swung his sword at the robots legs, incapacitating it.

"Dam, I've had enough of experimental robots with Leo," he muttered. He then turned to the door and noticed me, "Oh hey Steve."

"Morning Percy," I greeted, "Why are you up so early?"

He sighed and looked at the floor, "I just couldn't sleep."

I'll admit; I was worried for him. He was seventeen; he shouldn't be waking up this early.

I looked at him closely but he wouldn't meet my eyes, "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah, just bad dreams. Seeing my mum brought back a lot of stuff I'm trying to move on from."

"Ok, as long as you are okay. If you need anyone to talk to then I'm here for you." I told him, giving him a comforting smile.

"Umm, sure... Thanks," he told me, awkwardly shuffling his feet.

"Right, let's get some breakfast. I think we have training planned for you today. But I have to admit, I think you will be fine." I told him, walking out the door and towards the kitchen.

"Can I make waffles?" Percy asked.

"Yeah sure, what ingredients do you need? I'll find them for you," I told him, getting a bowl from one of the cupboards for him.

"Just the usual," he told me. He paused for a moment then smiled, "And some blue food colouring."

I looked at him strangely but got it for him anyway; if he is going to be on the team then he should feel at home.

An hour, and a lot of waffles later, we heard the rest of the team coming in. I had told JARVIS to wake them before Percy ate all the waffles.

"Hey guys," I greeted them, "Percy made waffles."

They all looked confused when they saw the waffles were blue, but a pointed glance from me promptly stopped any questions. I don't want them interrogating him any more so soon after him joining the team.

Over But Never Out    (PJO/Avengers)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora