11. The Tasks

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11. The Tasks

Percy POV

Following Steve I decided to put the task out of my mind until we got back from Liberty Island. As the other avengers were equipping their weapons, Steve turned to me and looked confused, "Where is your armour?"

"I don't have any, you kidnapped me." I told him, smirking at his grimace.

"Wasn't it at your mothers?" He asked me.

"No, it's with a friend. Can I call him?" I asked.

"It's too late, we need to defend the city, you can borrow some from the others or sit out of this battle." He told me.

"Its fine, the friend is on the way, I'll meet you guys there." I told him, running off.

"Percy!" Steve shouted after me but I was too far away for him to catch.

'Nico' I prayed, feeling really weird, 'I need you to bring me some armour, I can't get it myself and it's too hard to explain.' I kept running in the vague direction on Liberty Island in the hopes he would answer me before I got there and they saw me.

'Percy! Long time no see' I heard Nico's voice in my head, 'We can catch up later, I'll shadow travel some armour onto you. I can teach you how to summon your own when you have time later.'

A strangely cold feeling came over me and when I looked down I was covered in some celestial bronze armour. I could see it was from the underworld by the Stygian Iron inlays in it but it was fashioned in more of my style. It had a trident on the front and wave like designs on the arm braces. I may have to keep this armour.


By the time I reached Liberty Island, well the coast closest to it, the fighting had already started. Steve saw me and got Tony to fly and get me. When I reached the island he handed me an earpiece and gave me a glare which meant he would be yelling at me later.

I looked around and saw what we were fighting, they were small robots equipped with some kind of laser and gun. They flew very quickly and the other Avengers seemed to be having a hard time stopping them. The robots themselves didn't seem to be attacking and people just flying around almost observing the Avengers.

I ducked as one flew over my head and swung riptide at it, I didn't want to use any of my powers until I had to. My sword passed straight through it and it crashed to the ground. Steve looked shocked and came over.

"How did you do that?" he asked, ducking out the way of another robot.

"I swung the sword..."

"But our bullets aren't working," he told me, "keep fighting, we can discuss this when we get back."

I looked around and saw he was right, Clint's arrows and Natasha's bullets seemed to have no effect on the robots and just bounce right off. Tony's laser things seemed to work fine as they fried the wiring in the robots, as did Thor's lightening and Loki seemed to be ripping them apart with magic.

I ran over to Steve and Natasha so I could cover them, slashing at more robots as I went. When I arrived about ten robots were circling them and seemed to be getting more aggressive, firing lasers at them as they ducked out of the way. I grabbed a knife out of my pocket and threw it at one of them, impaling it so it fell to the floor. Natasha grabbed the knife and started attacking them again.

Steve came over and I passed him another one of my knives, "know how to use it?" I asked.

"Aim at the bad guys?" he asked with a smile. I grinned at him and stabbed a robot that was behind him.

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