Chapter 13

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It was the driving back that was awkward. He was now my boyfriend, he was next to me. I didn't know what exactly to say but he spoke first. "Tell me more about you beautiful" he asked. I blushed at the word beautiful. I had to tell him everything.

"I lived in Australia when I was born. I have had a pretty boring life, I was in a motorcycle accident when I was 15" I gulped "my drink was spiked, by a guy who wanted to go out with me, he wanted to be my first. But he failed. I ran away and jumped on some random bike and I was going to fast... I was in a coma for about four weeks. I have never had a boyfriend. I am still waiting for my first time. I am waiting for the right guy. I haven't really had other things happen to me other than the accident and you...." I trailed off. I couldn't tell him, that I loved him already. He recheck over for my hand and brushed it gently...

We got home. I insisted I slept on the couch... I lay down and fell asleep to Felix making a video for the bros. He was making a house tour. I just hope he doesn't record me.

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