Chapter 7

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Pewds POV: (A/N: I will only be doing a couple of these... Writers block ain't good! Can't think of much to do for Kat at the moment but have ideas for the king of all Bros... Sorry get back to da story 👊 Pewdelia 👊)

I didn't know what I was thinking this morning... That whole thing with Kitty Kat... God I have to stop calling her that. Oh crap, I completely forgot to call Mazia... Ah damn she is gunna kill me. I quickly pick up the phone.

"Hello? Felix? Is that you" That little Italian girls voice booms through the phone.

"Hey Marzia, sorry I didn't call you back. I got busy with Kitty..." Oh crap. "Kaitlin I mean sorry I am looking at cat pictures. You know what Amnesia does to me Babe" Gosh I hope that covers my story.

"Felix? I have to tell you something! Now don't overreact! Don't get to excited. But..." Oh crap she's coming here... "I got a flight for tomorrow, for you to come home!" Oh no she DIDNT!! I had to make some excuse up, I need time away from Italy. I need an excuse... Marzia loves presents? Do I use that as an excuse? Yeah I will try.

"Oh gosh no! Marzia I can't come home I am organising a gift for you! And it's going to take a while to organise..." What am I thinking? Lying to Marzia about Kaitlin AND now about this present. I hope she buys it... I need a break from up there. Every where I go there are bros everywhere! Not saying that's a bad thing but damn! I need a break and I want to spend time with my new friends. I think Marzia won't buy it... "Ohh ! Felix... What are you getting me?! That's fine then I guess but don't spend to much time with Kaitlin! I don't like her!" She finishes her sentence with a bit of a bitchy tone!

"Marzia! Kaitlin is my friend! Nothing else! Please just leave me alone... I am not in the mood to talk to you if you are jealous of MY friends! I don't have many PROPER friends they are all made by you Marzia! The fist time I get a break and actually ENJOY my self you are more jealous than when I took Stephano instead of Mr Chair!..." I was crying... "Please Marzia! Just give me a break I am sorry" I was in tears, and surprisingly proud of myself. Standing up for my self after being bossed around. Then Marzia just goes crazy. "YOU KNOW WHAT FELIX fauck you! I try to faucking look after you and........" I hung up. I couldn't help but cry, I cried, for so long I wasn't surprised when Kat came running in seeing if I was okay.

Chapter 9:

Kats POV:

I heard some one crying, it sounded like a man... "Cal I know Oliva got kicked off X Factor but seriously stop crying now! It was three weeks ago she got voted off... Grow some steel down there boy!!" I smiled... Expecting some smart ass comment back. But instead he came out with a handful of chocolate... Wait so if he wasn't crying then it must be..... I jumped off the couch like lightning. I ran faster than I have ever done! I had to check on him... I was at the door, and all I could hear was Felix crying, he sounded so sad! I ran in the room, he was playing amnesia, but it was on pause. There was a phone on the ground and there was a Pewds next to that phone crawled up on the ground shaking. He was sobbing, I ran to him, and out of the bloom I hugged him, tighter than I have ever hugged him. I whispered little things to him. "Felix..." "Are you okay..." He cried when I said this and sniffed the word NO. I told him to stand up, and he did, he was like a little obedient child,he was standing up now but looking down at the phone. I went outside of the room and said if he wanted to talk about it to come outside. He nodded and said "I'll be out there soon" I nodded and when outside to a little wooden chair outside and sat down. I took out my HTC, and played a bit of the song a thousand years. Then Felix came out, I walked up to him and gave him a hug. He was about 6" taller than me so his chin rested on my head. I had never seen him like this, I didn't expect him to tell me what was wrong, but he does anyway.

"I had a bit of a fight with Marzia... She is jealous of you, she booked me a flight for tomorrow. Then I got angry, I didn't want to go back, I lied to her and then yelled at her..." He sniffed, aww I felt bad for him. He always looked so strong in his relationships! I guess he needs a break. It's funny because he is like my best friend but my brother now, and I cared about him. I wished I didn't because then I wouldn't be as attracted to him as I am but hey! He is a good guy. I don't really know what to say. "Shh it's okay... Come on Felix, let's do something to cheer you up! How about some recording for the Bros? And then we will order pizza, and then a movie night! Come on what about that?" I had to distract him I guess...

Felix POV:

I couldn't thank her enough. "Thank you Kaitlin, that sounds fun! You can record the vids with me..." She nodded in my chest I realised how tightly I was holding her. I let go a bit, and kissed her lightly on the top of her head. I don't think she noticed. I let go and took her arm and we walked up to my room to record for the Bros. We played/did The Fabulizer! More like CREATING ATROCITIES !! I edited her to look like the Easter bunny. But that was off camera. So I started recording...

"Haha, How's it going Bro's?! My name is... Pewwwwwdiepie! And here today I am in Australia with the girl I knocked out! The one I was telling you bros about the other day?! Anyways her name is...." I questioned with a little bit of a drumroll.

"Hi there! My name is Kitttt 🐱 Tie 👔 Kat 😽! I repeat KittyKat! and welcome to Creating Atrocities!" She sounded so funny trying to imitate me! But that's when I realised this is meant to be my introduction. "Excuse me woman! This is my show and anyway to day we are fabulizing the one and only... (A/N: sorry I don't want to write all the details! So... )

-=Le Skip Da Time=-

Kats POV:

We just ate dinner! God it's 8.00 I have to call my mum or she will freak! I tell the others to wait while I quickly call my mum.

"Hey mummy it's me Kaitlin!"

"Oh god Kaitlin! How are you Callum gave me a call telling me what happened!"

"Mum relax! I meet the guy that knocked me, and it's all fine! We are on good terms! In fact I think I may actually like him..." My cheeks went bright red.

"Okay darling I have to go now! Your father is making homemade ice cream... We all know how that's gunna turn out! Bye! I love you!" That's when that conversation ended. I was so tired I don't know how I was going to watch these movies with Katie, Callum and Felix. I had the smartest idea. I ran in the main room where they all are setting up the bedding... We were sleeping in the main room.

"Felix? Callum? Can you guys please make my bed? Katie can you come get some supplies? To make sure we don't fall asleep?" I asked politely. "Okie Dokie Kittie!" She exclaimed. Gosh she seems to excited... I wonder what she is up to now? Oh well. I shock my head getting the bad thoughts of my best friend out of my head.

We headed out to my car, "Bags music! How about Unconditionally? Yay or nay?" She asks. Got I hate that song it annoys me... But I am not that fussy with music. When I was younger, my cousin, his name was Russel but he changed it to Justin. Well that sort of turned me of music when ever I went out with him all I got was 'baby baby ohhhh' so I am not the one for songs I don't like. I couldn't be bothered fighting with Katie, so I just nodded. She jumped up and down like a yoyo, and flung in the car! I turned the engine on and drove out of the drive way. The humming of Katie continued at every song... Unconditionally, What makes you Beautiful, Wrecking Ball, Get Lucky... When this song was playing she said, "Guess what?! Tobuscus, the YouTuber, well he made a parody of this called Get Bloody! And that game is Hap..." I interrupted "Yes Katie! Happy Wheels! Loads of YouTubers play it!" I sighed... She may be one of the most dumbest people in the world but still she is my best friend.

"PewDiePie Plays it!" She remarks. Wait why did she refer to Felix as PewDiePie? "Katie, call him by his first name he doesn't like it, plus why call him Pewds he is a good friend?" I asked. She pulled a face, "He is an acquaintance to me! I have only known him two days! You and him are like besties ! And it's only two days! I have barley had anytime to get to know him! But he seems to have a temper that's for sure!" "WHAT!?! Katie WTF are you talking about!? He is sweet and kind, what makes you think he has a bad temper?!" Oh god I am so defensive! She will notice I like him... Oh crap here it comes, oh wait no, I don't think she noticed. "Kitty! He was yelling at his Girlfriend! To give him a break after she booked him a flight to go home tomorrow!" Oh she heard that... Poor girl. I explained to her what happened, just left the bit out about me comforting him. She seemed to understand and just in time we arrived at Woolworths, we ran in and took what we were in charge of... Katie was in charge of lollies and chocolate, and I was in charge of drinks! We grabbed what we could and ran to check outs, we paid and quickly ran to the car! Then we drove home! I went up to the front door, and went to open but at the same time Callum opened the door, so I ran into him, BANG, I ran into the door after...

"FAUCK!! My F****** Face!"

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