Chapter 9 ??

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I was glad. Felix's flight was delayed by 2 and a half hours. Once he called Marzia we just spent about two hours looking in all the shops there and then the thirty mins waiting in the boarding area. When the plane finally arrived, Felix hugged me and gave me back my jumper. I didn't cry this time. I had no tears left. Felix gave me a light kiss on the head and said...

"Once my plane has taken off look in your jumper, once I land I will text you!" He waved good bye and walked on the plane... I waited for the plane to take off and then I walked back to the car, but then I realised, that I completely forgot to look in my jumper. I opened up the neatly folded jumper, there was a medium jewellery box, I opened it, it was a letter and a beautiful charm bracelet full of charms. I grinned recalling that I had told Felix, as a little girl I always wanted to have my own charm bracelet full of good memories. I opened the note.

Dear Kaitlin,

I have had such a good two weeks with you three guys. I wanted to give you something to remember me as your friend. A charm for each memory, a bag for all the times we went shopping!, a camera for all the selfies we took, a beach ball for the times us four went to the beach, a music cd for all the songs that went bombing through the house, a calendar for our fav song (a thousand years), a muffin for the first day I actually got to know you... And so many more. You mean a lot to me, you helped me when I needed it, and I helped you. If I didn't have Marzia, I would have picked you. This is what friends are for... Being there for each other

From your BESTIE Felix, king of all bros!

I instantly put the bracelet on and drove home grinning like a little kid at Disney land. I was bobbing up and down the whole way back to the house. When I got home Katie was in the kitchen. "When were you thinking of telling me that you liked him?" She asked. Oh no.... "I thought it was obvious! Sorry Katie..." she started laughing! Why was she laughing? I had hid this secret from her for weeks and she is laughing? "Love, it's fine! Now come on we have to pack to leave.

(A/N: I am just going to skip the next few days... Now the three are back in their actual homes in London. If you have been paying attention to the story you'll see they were on a holiday in Australia. Enjoy if ur still reading! Talk to ya bros soon... Love ya... Here comes the Brofist... Mawahh 👊)

Kaitlin POV:

I was really bored. Katie hasn't called yet... She said she was going to though. I hopped of my bed, and started to walk down stairs, mum and dad were at a friends party. They knew I just hated those sort of parties, so they made an excuse for me thankfully. My stomach started complaining. I hadn't eating since breakie. I looked at my phone, still no text from Felix, it's been a week since his flight took off. I text him, "Ur flight is very long... Haha when will you land! Must of crashed... 😸" I pressed send. Marzia probs like chucked a whammy! (Tantrum). I wanted to go to bed I was tired but mum will kill me if I don't eat. When I was younger I was bullied for being fat. I wasn't even fat! So I went on this really hardcore diet, and eventually I passed out because I wasn't getting enough energy. But anyways I have changed now... I love food, and I don't have my baby fat! Happie days! (Toby Turner Reference Coming...) I walked over to the oven. I had chucked some chicken nuggets in the oven earlier. I walked over to the fridge, grabbed some mash potato and a roll. I put the potato in the roll, took the nuggets out and smothered the potato in BBQ sauce. I got the idea from Tobuscus! A nugget in a biscuit! It actually tastes really good! I had my dinner and went up to my room... Hmm what to do... I went on my Laptop and decided to do a music cover. I quickly learnt the keys on my guitar and started recording with the camera Callum got me. I started with a simple song...

"Heart Beats Fast ❤️🔊🏃

Colours and Promises 💛💙💜💚❤️🙏

How to be Brave 😰🔜😎

How can I love 💓

When I'm Afraid to Fall 😖 🙇

But Watching You Stand Alone 👀🚶

All of My Doubt 😯❓

Suddenly Goes Away 👣

Somehow... 📈

One step closer 👞👫

I Have Died Everyday 😵 📅

Waiting for You 🚶🔜 👫

Darling Don't be Afraid 💑 😰

I Have Loved You for a 💚

Thousand Years 1⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣

I'll Love You for a 💘 👈

Thousand More... 1⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣

Time Stands Still 🕗✋

Beauty in all She is 💅 👠 👸

I Will be Brave 😼

I Will not Let ✋

Anything Take Away 💨

What's Standing in Front of Me💃🚶

Every Breath 💨

Every Hour 🕛🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕠🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛

Has Come to This 👇

One Step Closer 👞👫

I Have Died Everyday 💀 📆

Waiting for You ✈️

Darling Don't be Afraid 😟

I Have Loved You 💘

For a Thousand Years 1⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣

I Will Love You 💖💗

For a Thousand More 1⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣➕

All Along I Believed 💭👸

I Would Find You 🙈🙉

Time Has Bought ⌛️💸

Your Heart for Me 💌

I Have Loved You 💗

For Thousand Years 1⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣

I Will Love You 💘💖

For a Thousand More 1⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣➕


One Step Closer 🚶🙏

One Step Closer 👞👫

I Have Died Everyday 💀

Waiting for You 👇🙇

Darling Don't be Afraid 😧❌

I Have Loved You 😻

For a Thousand Years 💯💯💯

I Will Love You ❤️👇

For a Thousand More 1⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣➕

All Along I Believe 👸💭

I Would Find You 🚷

Time Has Bought ⌚️ 💝

Your Heart For Me 💌

I Have Loved You 💞

For a Thousand Years 1⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣

I Will Love You 🚹

For a Thousand More 1⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣➕➕"

I sighed, glad that was over. I quickly remembered i was being recorded. I looked up at the camera, and smiled. " I dedicate this song to one of my friends, it was apparently... One of his favourite songs. I miss you Felix" I sniffed. "If you like this please like, please subscribe, and please no hate?! I am soo new to this. I would love a review. Byeeee!" I said grinning. I turned the camera off, and uploaded it to YouTube. I looked at my clock. 9.30pm, this took longer than I thought, better turn over for the night. I crawled into bed and fell asleep like a lightbulb.

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