Chapter 11

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God, what is wrong with me. Once I got that text I grabbed my wallet, phone and keys. I ran to the car. I sped to Marzia's it took me a while to get there. When I got there I just sat in the car for a bit thinking... He seemed fine on all his videos. Now I am standing at the door. I knocked. She answered and showed me to his filming room. "Shh he is recording, he doesn't know your here. Just sit on the couch and the camera won't see you, and he won't see you." She whispered. I nodded and crept in. He was there. He was playing amnesia. I crept to the couch, he didn't see me and the camera didn't catch me either. I sat there for a good hour or so. When he finally finished editing, and filming and uploading. He oped YouTube and started to look at my channel. I slowly got up, and crept behind him. He was watching me play Tomb Raider on PS2. He had the video up so loud, but he didn't have his headphones on. He was listening through the computer. I got up from my crawling position and put my hands over his eyes.

"Pewwwdie" I tried to make my voice deeper. He jumped, but I still didn't take my hands away from his eyes.

"Who is there?! Come on! I was watching a video!" He asked

"Guess who!?" I asked taking my hands away. He spun around on his chair.

"KITTY!!" He jumped up and hugged me. He was grinning, I missed that grin.

"When did you get here... Why didn't you tell me!? Did you sneak in?" He laughed.

"No! I got here about when you were halfway through Amnesia! I wanted to surprise you! And Marzia let me in... In fact she told me to come here. I heard what happened. She asked me to help you move." His smile dropped. "Are you okay Felix? You should of thought about that video. Promoting me" I asked. "No... I wanted to, and every decision has it's consequences. My decision was you, and Marzia was my consequence. But that's life." I nodded . "Where are you going to live?"

"I bought a little house in Brighton with enough room for 3 or so people. It's a hour trip from here. It's really nice at the house." He flashed a tiny smile. "With two cars, there should be enough room for one trip. Brighton was about fifteen mins away from my home.

We packed up, left and got there, and then unpacked on top of that. It looked just like a proper home. There was 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, a lounge room, a pool... Pretty much the ideal home. "It is a beautiful home Felix..." I said astounded.

"Would you like to stay the night? It's pretty late. Don't want you to get too tired in the car and then crash!" He asked... I didn't want to be rude. "Aww thanks Felix, I will just tell my mum I won't be home tonight." He agreed. I walked into what was now his recording room.

"Hey Mummy!" I said.

"Hey Baby, what's wrong."

"Do you mind if I stay at Felix's tonight? I had to help him move houses today, and he doesn't want me to drive home at night. Do you mind mum?" I asked quizzically.

She laughed. "Why are you asking me? You can do what ever you want." "YES thank you very much mummy!" I ended the conversation when Felix came in wondering if it's yay or nay (yes or no). I nodded for a yes. He jumped in Victory! I found it so cute! He was so excited... He was blabbing on about where I was going to sleep because the spare rooms had no bed in it. In the end I was going to sleep on the couch. We decided to go out for dinner cause his fridge was EMPTY!

"So were is the driver taking this madam tonight?" He asked whilst opening the door to his car.

"Where ever he recommends!" I say. I don't know any places. He chuckled and started driving, as if he knew everything.

"So Kaitlin, since you are a Pewds fan you must know loads about me..."

"Actually I had only become a fan a week or so before I bumped into you! So tell me Felix... What's your story?"

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