Chapter 5

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"Don't want to be the cause of another accident with you miss!" Felix chuckled, and then grabbed his and my bags and all us 4 walked into a nice warm house. I quickly stole my bag and Felix's bags from him and took his to what was my room and but mine on the couch. Then I ran up to what was now Felix's room, and I spoke to him for a bit.

"Is the room okay?"

"Kaitlin, it's fine! More than I could wish for Kat! Can I call you Kat? Is that okay? Oh and also can I please do my videos here?" He asked. I've never actually been called Kat but when Felix says it, well it sounds normal.

"Oh Kat is fine, and of course you can do your videos here just not like in the middle of the night with the scary games cause I don't think the newborns want to hear a 24 year old screaming while they try to sleep!" Haha that would be very entertaining. Felix nodded and brought out his phone?

"I don't have your number... Can I please have yours and you can have mine? Please?" I sighed. The perfect man was right there but he has Marzia. I brought out my phone and started putting his number in... Profile picture time... (AUTHOR NOTE: pick a picture of PewDiePie)

"Okay mister my turn... My number is ............ And yah."

"What is your favourite song? For your ringtone?" He asked... I didn't have one. So I just thought of the first song that went to my head.

"A thousand years by Christina Peri... I like that song... But you won't have that on your phone will you? Oh well" I was immediately interrupted by him.

"Sadly I have that song! One of the ones I actually like! So here you go..." As he puts the song as my ringtone I immediately set it as his ring tone on his! I am so tired I thought as I yawned.

"Oh sorry Kitty Kat, are you tired? I will let you go now. Good Night!" He said as he embraced me in a massive hug, it got really awkward after like 10 seconds, so I let go and went down to the couch and once I hit the couch I fell asleep.

A Thousand Years - PewDiePie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now