Chapter 6

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(Do you like mah picture I drew? I drew the hands)

(A/N: a few of ya bros have complained that the chapters are too short... Too much dialogue, blah, blah ,blah! There is so much to work on I am sorry, this is my first story! I only make the Chapters short so that people don't have to read this massive chapter for like a million hours, plus if you lose your spot, in a long chapter, well good luck trying to find it! Not trying to be harsh but I am working on what I always hate in a fanfictions, plus I will take out loads of dialogue... Comment below if you have any more recommendations! And tell me if you don't like the new ways!? Chao brochacos mawahh 👊👊)

I was half asleep, when I woke up to the smell of something cooking. I don't know who it is because Callum and Kate don't cook what so ever! So I stood up and like a zombie walked into the kitchen. Felix was cooking... Something weird... I went on my knees silently, and ever so slowly crawled up to the bench in front of Felix! I couldn't tell what he was cooking but it smelt nice, I had an idea! I will jump up and scare him! So I did just that !

"BOO" I jumped up and I think gave him a heart attack. But he screamed like a little girl and threw what ever he was making all over me! I screamed. I screamed so loud that Katie and Cal (Callum) ran into the kitchen.

"Anyone want breakfast? If so it's on Kat! Haha, I WAS making my secret recipe for muffins that I make Marzia ALL the time..." I cringed at the name Marzia. It made me remember I mustn't fall for his sweet smile, and those bright blue eyes... DAMN IT KAT GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF !! Felix then came over to me and took a bit of the batter, on his finger and then licked it. He smiled and complimented me.

"Muffin you ruined my muffin recipe. You somehow made it taste better!" He grinned and then I gave all of them a massive hug! All three! Eventually all of us were covered in batter! I decided I would later drive to Mc Donald's and just buy every one a Mc Muffin. But before that it was shower time!

"Shotgun shower! I get up from the floor and run to the shower in what was now Felix's room. I turned on the shower and god damn did It felt good to get that stuff off me! Then a door closed. Wait did it? Oh well I doubt it. I stopped the shower and grabbed the towel, that I left in here. I got dried and got in my denim shorts, a video game controls shirt, and put my Brofist jumper on. I just put my hair up in a waterfall braid. It makes my blonde hair show out the bright blue tips! Katie dyed my hair it was meant to be only for a week but turned out permanently. Haha I can remember my mums face... She was all like... Your only 12 what are you doing! But now at the age of 22, she can't really make me dye it back! Since I was all dry I walked out to Felix's room, but I accidentally walked in on Felix in his board shorts! Both of our faces went instantly red.

"Oh god sorry Felix! I didn't mean to walk in on you!" My face was now more red than my jumper! "Oh Kat stop worrying so much! It's fine! Your welcome to stay just let me put some clothes on!" He laughed. He was more muscular than I thought, oh god here I go again! I have to stop thinking about Felix in this way! He has Marzia, he doesn't like me!! I just nodded and asked what he wanted for Breakfast.

"I am not really sure, I haven't really had Macca's much. Do you mind if I come beautiful?" He asked. I blushed when he called me beautiful, but that's when I realised he calls nearly every girl beautiful. Who am I kidding, there is no chance in the world he was actually calling me beautiful. Oh Fauck I think I am in love with PewDiePie.

Chapter 7:

The ride in the car was very quiet until Felix got a call from Marzia, and she was angry I could hear her exact words but I just pretended that I couldn't. The conversation was a little like this...

M: Felix! Where are you!

F: Baby calm down! It's fine. I can't get out of Australia for another two weeks!

M: FELIX you said, once that stupid girl wakes up you are coming home!

F: MARZIA YOU CANT SAY THAT ! She is my friend! We will talk about this later princess! I have to go get breakfast! Byeeee! I love you!?

He then hung up and sighed. "Sorry about that... Marzia isn't very happy that am am not coming home for another two weeks and even worse staying with another girl!" He sort of smiled and then rubbed the back of his neck. We eventually arrived at McDonalds, it was funny cause Felix didn't really know what Macca's sold! In the end he choose a sausage and egg muffin with three hash browns! I got the others the usual, a bacon and egg muffin, a hot chocolate and four hash browns. I was ordering everyone else's meal I completely forgot about mine till I got back at hotel room.

"Son of a Barrel! I didn't order my own breakfast! Fauck! Oh god damn it!" I will have to drive back! So grabbed the car keys and went out to my car, only to see Felix running after me... God what does that guy want now I kiddingly thought in my head. "Kitty Kat! I will get it go back inside and sit down I will get it..." He said. Aww how could I deny a fully grown man, who was Swedish and had the best puppy eyes EVER??

"Okay Felix... Only if you get me EXACTLY what you got please? Pretty please?" I tried to imitate his puppy eyes but, no luck! Instead I got Felix on his knees. Oh my god what the hell is he doing? Then in his most posh voice he said "My Lady thy thank you for letting thy get Macca's" I couldn't keep serious ! I started laughing so much that I accidentally fell on the ground, and out of all this Felix started to get up.

"Felix? What are you doing? HEY... Ah... Oww... Can't ... Breath... Just...joking" I was stammering, struggling to talk properly. All because Felix was trying, I repeat trying to stand on me. Eventually I told him to get my breakfast, and I think he realised he has to work today so in like five minuets he had got my breakfast, and was up working.

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