Chapter 25- Midnight Fun(Edited)

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"What the hell Nathan, why don't you listen to me?!" I shouted at him as I ran up to Amir and grabbed as many tissues as I could and started to clean all the ice cream off of him.

"I'm sorry Aali," Nathan said as he walked slowly towards the corner of the shop and began to silently cry as my heart clenched knowing what he has and is going through.

"What's wrong with him?" I heard Amir asked but ignored him and walked up to Nathan slowly and sat down with him as I patted his arm gently.

"Hey it is okay nothing is going to happen I am not going to leave you no matter what and I will always be there for you, alright bro?" I asked him as he wiped his tears and smiled as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Ok sis don't worry I won't do something like that ever again, but hey at least I go to use that bucket," he said and fell asleep as I just sat there crying making dua to Allah that he gets better.

"Hey, Amir if you're wondering who he is and what he is going through, then you listen to what I'm gonna say cause I ain't saying it again," I sassed as he just smiled at me nodding his head and sat on the counter top all sticky from the ice cream.

"Ok so it all started back when I was in year 6 when I had just turned 11 and was being teased by my friends for not having a birthday party and Nathan heard what was going on, so him being the hero and all at that time came over and stood up for me and kind of scared my friends away and I have got to say that for an 11-year-old he was pretty scary and that's when I got to know the real Nathan and not the 'I'm not hurt Nathan'.

Things had started to go really well for us as we had then become friends and were kind of like brother and sister and it kept that way as we never really had any feelings for each other whatsoever. Then it all started to go downhill from there, first we I had to leave to go to secondary school even though he was joining the same one I wouldn't be able to talk to him because of exams and his illnesses but due to the fact he was really, and I mean really smart for his age they let him join my year and not hold him back years so I could help him with everything as he has got ADHD and Autism which makes it really hard for him to communicate with others and concentrate.

I started to help him with everything until he started to become distant with me and would end up missing classes or bunking all day, so I started to get worried for him and at this point my parents knew who he was and everything and they approved of me being friends as we weren't doing anything haram really. He would even sometimes come to school with bruises on his face, which made me worry for him even more than ever," I said as I wiped the tears from my cheeks and turned my head slightly to look at the sleeping Nathan who looked like he doesn't have a care or problem in the world.

"He would come to school with bruises and had started becoming distant from me and we were about 16 years old now and we were inseparable, we had the best of times as well as the worst of times, and he was so mature and understanding but like I was saying I remember it all like it was yesterday. It all happened on Friday the 13th of June just before our exams when he didn't come to school I thought he had bunked and I called him many times but it went to voicemail so I thought of going by his house as it wasn't far from mine because he had never missed a call of mine ever.

I was walking down the street of his house when I heard someone shout and it sounded like Nathan, so I went closer to find out who it was, and I was right it was Nathan standing there with scars over his arms as he was shouting at his guardian who just stood there looking at him with sympathy. I went over to find out what's happening and that's when I found out that Nathan had many, many problems with him like Autism, ADHD and this illness where his body completely shuts down and he has no control over his body and mind as he starts to behave like a little child again," I said as I looked away from Nathan and looked at Amir who was looking at Nathan. I broke down crying into Amir's arms as I didn't know what I was supposed to do.

"I don't know what I'm going to do as he needs help and he relies so much on me to help him, he doesn't even know where his parents are and I'm the only person who's been there for him. We both left secondary school with A's and A starts for our GCSE's which got us a place in the school sixth form. Where we proceeded to continue with our education and we did our A-levels where I chose Biology, chemistry, psychology and English Language. Then you know what happened next, I got kidnapped literally a few weeks after starting sixth form," I said as I felt Nathan stir in his sleep and I gently moved his head off of my shoulder and onto his jacket on the floor.

"Amir, we need to call mom and dad and tell them where we are otherwise they are gonna be worried about us and we will get in trouble," I said to him.

"Don't worry I have called them and explained the situation, mom thought it is a great idea to have some time alone together as it will be good for our relationship," he said as I just sat there nodding along to what he was saying. Really mom didn't tell us off for sneaking out late at night, the time right now was about 2:45 in the morning and I was starting to feel tired.

"Hey, Nathan- Nathan, wake up", I whispered as I slightly nudged him, causing him to slowly open his eyes.

"Ohh, hey look it's Aali, my friend, you are finally back," he said as he smiled at me, patting my arm and got up slowly and started to clean up the mess he made. As I just wiped the tears that streamed down my cheeks like waterfalls.

"Hey Nat, we have to go now but see you soon, right?" I asked him and he just nodded whilst smiling at me and Amir. I picked up my small purse that was still sitting on the small red sofa bench that had a big white table in front of it with another red sofa bench making a large but cosy booth right next to the window.

I hugged Nat goodbye but I didn't give him a proper hug but more like a one arm side hug and we left the ice cream shop and headed home.

"That was one amazing adventure," I said smiling at Amir.

"Well your whole life has been an interesting adventure for me," he said as I just nodded my head and stifled my yawns. We finally reached home and read our Fajr namaz and I changed my clothes and got into bed.

That night Amir and I fell asleep at half 6 in the morning and we both slept with smiles on our faces as my babies seemed to be at peace now as they had eaten what they wanted.

Little did I know it's all calm before the storm as I rolled onto my side and felt Amir place a kiss on my cheek as I did the same to him and we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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