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Kale's POV

I could tell Rex wasn't happy about the secrets about Angel's being. He wasn't happy about a lot of things, but he knew that at this time it was the best that was available. After a few drinks, we played pool and listened to music. I told Rex that there was a whole other level underneath the one that we have all been staying in. I built it this way in case a war did break out that Angel had dreamt of once. I knew that if it did, we would need our allies with us. There were four long halls in the second level and in the middle was a gym and it's own kitchen. Brandon and Haley joined me at night on and off to build this place, summer being the main time. It took two years to do, but it turned out well. My family had such wealth that they didn't notice when my bank account had slowly lost money and to where. They had only replaced it easily. 

"Follow me, let me show you the halls. Since you guys will be the only ones here, you can choose which hall to use, but it can only be one." I lead them to a huge, industrial elevator and pulled the lever down to go to the lower level. At first, I thought about turning it into a bed and breakfast looking place, but then remembered it would be a place only for our allies and it didn't completely matter. The walls were stone as were the floors, but to be nice, I had put heating wire under for those who would go barefoot. The lights were the ones you would find in old mines but gave off enough light to know where you were going. Each hall was the same and each room was the same. All room had their own bathroom and closet. If there were mates, it was still enough room for the two of them. The gym was set as a regular mat and a climbing wall on one side with an obstacle course that made it's way to a clear cage for target practice. Looking back at Rex, he seemed impressed and more comfortable with the arrangements. I showed them down one hall and the first four rooms that faced each other.

"These rooms are the only ones that look different. Most clans have four main parts as the leads. Of course, the first room will be the biggest with an office would be for the alpha or equivalent. I then set across from that the alpha's beta. He or she is the one that always takes place in case something happens or needs to leave. That would be yours, Rex." I open the door and Rex walks in, flicking the light on. The huge bed in the middle of the room seemed to catch his eye with amusement and then to the tv and bookshelf. He nodded in approval. I closed the door after him and walked to the door next to the alpha's, continuing the small tour. "This would be the enforcer's room, there is a separate room nearby that the alpha and the enforcer will be able to talk to me about and place their weapons if they feel comfortable. Next, across from that would be the follow-up. There is always one more that is closest to the alpha and should have an extra room for their loyalty. In our group, we have Haley in there, but her job for us is to keep intel. She learns and keeps everything up to date. You can make up your own mind on it though. All the halls look the same. There is a fridge in the kitchen that we keep blood frozen in case vampires needed to come by. You should be okay for two weeks or so before we need to figure out a new source."

"You did all this?" Rex asked me. He looked around, opening a few more doors down the hall to see they were the same. Walking back he glanced down the other halls and saw that they were the same as the one Kale showed them. Thomas had left after Kale showed them where James would stay and went to test the gym. Thomas loved to play and workout. He was quickly working his way through it and had a grin on his face. He would be happy with it. The omega followed for a while and opened the fridge with the blood, licking his lips. He looked around and then saw the microwave, giving a frown. Kale walked over.

"Yea, it took a while to make the whole place, but we needed a place to have if we needed it. Here. This is to heat it up. You don't want to use the microwave." I took the bag of blood from him and placed it in a small cup and covered it with a lid. Pushing a few buttons and waiting a few seconds, the blood bag came back out the temperature of a human and tasted sweet to the omega. He took a sip and when his eyes opened, they were black with hunger. It had been a while since he ate. Rex's eyes, along with Thomas's who joined in a second, were black and waited and learned to warm the blood.

"Thank you. It has been a while." Thomas reached out for the pint bag and drank it slowly. It was rare for people to hear the vampire talk. There was an air of danger about him and it made me wonder how he got his food regularly. I knew that James put some feeding rules in place, especially in the city. No killing and they have to start out willing, have them pass out with no real marks and then drink. Clear the memory and drop them off at the bar you picked them up at, which is usually a human-vampire mixed bar. The humans never knew though. Sometimes the vampires of the upper New York empire would take the humans home for games and not for food, still needing to clear the memory no matter what. No relationships with humans. Those were the rules. And the number one rule above them all: No changing anyone. The only one that was allowed to do that was the alpha and it had to be voted anyways. 

"Which hall did you guys want?" I asked, wanting things to be fixed before the other clan got here. Things were going to get busy and crazy. Angel was still healing and I hoped Haley was okay being with here for the most part while James worked with his clan. James had a lot of work to do. He had damage control to start with, much less working with a new mate and then introducing her. Angel had a lot to do in the coming future too. I hoped she healed fast herself as she did for other people. This better work and we better figure out what she can do. My phone rang. It was Haley. Her voice was grim.

"Kale, they are early. They are surrounding Angel's house and the neighbors look terrified. We need to get them now."

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