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James' POV
I had no clue as to how to react to Angel's new ability to share her dreams. I leaned against her lap and closed my eyes, feeling bad for her to see me like this. I groaned slightly as a bang was made somewhere far down in the cave. I could hear Angel breathing and her heart beat and that was comforting.
"When's the last time you ate?" I heard her smooth voice ask. I knew she would offer hers. I would be willing to take it, but Kale would be a problem. Shit, her dream reminded me. I need to call Rex.
"I'm not hungry." I growled, trying to get up so I could get my phone. If this stuff about Angel was true, then I needed more people here. For her. For her pack. There was only four of them and I am surprised they kept her safe this long.
"James. Maybe you should take a shower or bath. I've never helped a sick vampire before." She laughed. She had a point, the water would feel great. I stood for a moment and nodded. She went to grab a towel. I sat on the toilet thinking about getting undressed for a shower. Angel ran around the bathroom, making sure to I would have everything I needed. I smiled when she asked if I needed a razor.
"Not right now. I'm sure Kale has a room for me." I muttered. God, I hoped she protested against me. I wanted to stay with her. She looked away and nodded. I smiled at her voice in my head. I wish you wouldn't.
"Okay." I said, taking my shirt off. Man, I was in bad shape. I was really shaky and had a hard time taking my shirt off.
"Alright, sit down." She demanded me, pointing to the toilet. She wasn't kidding. Boy, she was attractive when she got bossy. I sat, not complaining. She came over to me and slipped of my shirt ten times easier than I had tried to. She didn't even look like she minded taking care of me. I don't remember the last person who had been this way with me.
"What's wrong? You got really quiet." She said, pulling off my socks. I looked at her and wanted to kiss her, but didn't want her to taste the last person I drank from. How could I have hated you when I didn't know you, I was so stupid. I jumped up off the toilet and away from her when she reached for my belt.
"James, you can't do it by yourself. Relax. I've seen you in your boxers before." She said, walking over to me and took off my belt. She didn't seem bothered at all.
"That's not what I'm worried about." I mumbled to her as she yanked down my jeans. She looked right at me and just frowned. I was shocked. I had pride in myself, but I was sick and didn't want her as my mate until I knew more. Or Kale said it was alright. She went to the shower and turned on the water. I felt so cowardly for jumping away while she was only trying to help me. I groaned and walked over to her and put my hand to the wall for balance. She grabbed the waistband of my boxers and pulled down. I was nervous, I didn't want to... I'm not sure.
She stood next to me and gripped my forearm, leading me to the shower. She had a slight blush, but not enough to make me feel embarrassed.
"Do you want me to stay?" She asked when I stood under the shower head. I sighed at the feeling and shook my head no. I knew I would be okay. She left the bathroom and I closed my eyes and thought of today's events.

The Life Of Angel GraceWhere stories live. Discover now