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Angel's POV
It was a sleepless night for me. With many bad dreams and my head full of screaming, I was tired of being able to see the future. I had awoken the last time by James shaking me relentlessly saying I was yelling for help. I have no idea what he is talking about. I had no such dream. Since then, I had not closed my eyes and laid with my back straight and stared at the ceiling.
"You need to try to get some sleep." James, my mate, had said in a low tone. He was worried, but understood why I didn't want to try again. I took his hand and kissed his knuckles and then got up to sit in a lounge chair across the room. I had been reading a great book as of late and I decided that it was a good idea to read now.
Sitting quietly, turning the pages ever so often, James growled in his sleep. I laughed a bit and wondered what he was dreaming about. I had read about thirty-nine pages of my book and was getting tired again. I would try to sleep. I hoped it would be better than the last few hours.
I climbed back into bed next to James and smiled when he absentmindedly wrapped his arm around me. I breathed heavily and closed my eyes. Nothing but black. It was an okay start.
Then a sharp pain ripped through my body and I let out a scream. I had tears running down my face and clutched the sheets, afraid of what was happening. James bolted up and looked confused. Then he got what was happening. I was changing. My wings were about to pop out of my back and no pain killers could help with the pain.
James scream mentally to all in the cave and opened the door to let everyone inside. His men were confused and stared down at my body. Kale took James by the upper arm and yelled at him.
"She's changing." Was all he had to say for everyone to understand my tortuous screaming. Haley looked over at James' men and ordered them to get as many towels as possible and warm them up. She knew it would be a long process. God, damn did it hurt.
"Kale, we need to take her shirt off. You're still her alpha."
"Then do it, damn it." Kale's yell echoed through the room. James walked over to me and apologized and ripped the back of my shirt open. It caused a punch in the gut to him, but it helped in the slightest considering the pain. I screamed and felt tears running down my cheeks. Tomas came back and slowly pulled the rest of my torn shirt off. It felt much better to have air get to my back, but I still had a searing pain rushing through my veins. Then he rolled me over onto my stomach so he could run cold water across my spine. I whimpered into the pillow and clutched the blankets. I didn't know how long I could take it.
Then a loud crack split through the room as my shoulder blades broke in two. I was in so much pain that all I could do was lay there and silently scream. It was absolutely excruciating.
Then I could feel the broken pieces drag along my other organs and stretch under my skin. If I was normal, I would have passed out from the amount of pain, but no, I have to be a freak of nature. I tried to relax to the best of my ability, but another shot of pain came shooting through my back. It was the bones breaking through my skin. It was like knives. Slicing right into my skin.
Sudden relief flooded over me and I crumpled to the bed. My wings must have stopped growing. I could feel a gentle tugging towards the end of my new limbs and saw that it was James rubbing blood off my wings. Without all the blood, they looked brownish gold. They were beautiful, but impossibly painful.
"You're okay, Angel." James whispered and rubbed in between my shoulders. It was both soothing and painful.

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