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Angel's POV
I stood in the corner of the new bedroom and watched my body thrash against the huge bed that James and I now shared. I was on my stomach and trying to rub my back. I had no shirt on and was in a lot of pain. The rest of my pack was there along with James, but they wouldn't go near me. They kept a distance. I stared back at my body and saw my back for the first time. It wasn't normal. It was bent inward and my shoulder blades were broken in two. The lower part or my broken part of my shoulder blades were slowly growing in length under my skin. After soon time they extended all the way to the base of my spine. I was screaming now wanting the pain to stop, but I knew it wouldn't. Then they stopped growing, but it got worse. The skin in my back had split so that I had two slits in the top half of my back. The bones immediately slipped out and I gained some relief.  It was like a knife was pushing up against my skin for hours but had not dare break through. What was an even bigger surprise was that it wasn't bone that laying outside my body now. They were bloody and tangled, but it was clear what they were. I had just grown wings. I lay against the bed heaving out air, like I had just given birth to something, which I sort of hadI was official not a human now. I was an angel. Haley came near me and picked up my still growing wings and started to rub on dry with a dry towel, careful not to pull my new feathers. I cried out slightly and lay my head back on the pillow. That was the most extremely painful exciting experiences of my life. I was born into my life again. With wings. When my pack and James were done drying my new wings, they stood back and stared at the size. They went fully to my ankles. I wasn't strong now, but once I was, I'd fly everywhere.

I woke up with a sharp pain in my back. I gasped and though to myself, this can't happen so soon after the dream. James was still in bed with me. His back was to me and I knew he was asleep. I went to my bathroom and decided to look in the mirror. I took my shirt off and turned my back to the full length mirror. I looked all overall my back for any signs of changes. And there was. Two red marks right at the edges  of my shoulder blades. I have had marks from dreams before, but these felt different. I ran a finger over one and was surprised when it was hot, like a burning piece of iron. I looked back in the room and saw that James shifted to his back and one of his arms was outstretched toward where I was. He bolted up immediately at that point, knowing I was with him. He looked panicked, but smiled in relief when he saw me in the bathroom doorway. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed I didn't have a shirt on. I sighed and blended against the sink looking into the mirror. I could always see flashes of dreams when I looked in mirrors. I jumped when I felt James' hands on my waist and he kissed my neck. It was nice and it made me feel safe, but it hurt. I pulled away and quickly put my shirt back on.
"What's wrong? Did I do something just now?" James asked, confused at my actions. He crossed his arms and leaned on the door. He wasn't going to let me leave til I answered his questions.
"No. I just hurt. I had a bad dream." I whispered, standing tall to kiss his lips. He smiled and held my hand, but didn't let go.
"I want to know." He said, almost a demand. His eyes got dark and I knew that he was a true alpha. I smiled, because I was too. This didn't scare me. It was actually really attractive.
"I'm not sure how to, umm. Let's try something. I saw this and I know it works, but I was suppose to wait for something. Maybe this." I said, recalling a dream I had about a month ago that showed me how to share dreams. I put my hands on James face and closed my eyes. I focused and for a while nothing happened. Then a strange tingling sensation ran over my hands and I saw my very first dream. It was of James. When I first saw him. I was so little then. I listened to every word like I had dreamt it a few minutes ago. I smiled and looked farther to the one Rex holding me and taking me somewhere safe. I didn't see anything different like I was hoping, but I was happy to see again. Then I went to the new dream. The one of my wings. I pulled back when the dream ended and looked at James. He had his eyes closed and he was pale.
"I'm going to be sick." He said, running to the toilet and threw up his source of living. I would be scared if I had not seen this coming too. I got a towel from a drawer and wiped his mouth of blood. He looked terrible. He was still cute somehow. I felt bad for him. I sat on the floor next to him and let him lay his head in my lap.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled out. He was sweet even when he was sick. I looked down at him and shushed him. He closed his eyes and tried to get his breathing back to normal.
"When's the last time you ate?" I asked, starting to make some sort of theory.

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