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James POV
Holy shit. Was the only thing that I could think of. Sure, I was old enough to should have known all these things, but I never needed to. I only drank from women and that was enough for me. With Angel, everything was different. She was the first woman I didn't want to really drink from. Okay, that's a lie. I wanted to taste her blood like an addict wanted drugs, but somehow I didn't. She had wrapped one arm around my stomach and layed her head on my chest. She looked comfortable and at peace, while I was freaking out. I had never truly held a woman and never a girl I had liked. I looked down at her and tried to relax, to just be with her as she suggested for me to do. Just to be in the moment. When I watched her, she smiled a bit in her sleep and I wondered what she dreamt about. Did she dream about me? I lay my head back into her pillow and close my eyes, feeling her breathe on my chest. It tickled. I smiled at it and wished I could hug her tightly and kiss her, but that had brought us here. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling, thinking, having a sudden realization. Where was I sleeping tonight? Kale had told me to stay with Angel, but how close was he okay with. How close was she okay with? My mind went crazy with all these different thoughts. I had no clue what I was doing anymore.
For a while I lay there with Angel wrapped around my stomach. I was getting restless. I needed to move around. I slowly pulled myself from out under Angel and stood next to the bed. I had brought her home and put her in her bed before, but not after what had happened today. I pulled up her blanket around her shoulders and sighed. I hadn't done anything wrong, as far as I know. I left her room and went to the bathroom, splashing water on my face. Ugh, I was worried. I didn't want to disappoint her by not going further, but I didn't want to push her if I got an idea. Everything is so confusing. I went into the kitchen and looked around. The soup was still on the stove. Somehow through our make out session, Angel had turned it off. I leaned over it and turned it back on. If there was anything I was good at, it was cooking. I looked in the cabinet above the stove and noticed all the different spices she had collected. I took some from the shelves and set them on the counter and then turned to look in the fridge. I had no idea what I would find. I felt strange, going through the fridge like it was mine. I had been told plenty of times to make myself at home, but never felt comfortable enough to do so. Everything changed when Angel let me lay with her, in her bed. Like it was my home, yet it wasn't. I sighed and breathed in the combination she already made and I started to add things in. I had put my full attention into the dish, loving the feeling of being the creator of something new. It was what I loved about cooking. I stared into my cauldron when I heard Angel scream. I dropped everything and ran back to her room. She had kicked the blankets off to her thighs and was laying on her back. Her eyes were still closed, but her body just wasn't normal. I stepped closer to the bed watching to see if there was something I could do. She would moan as if in pain and her back would bend outward towards the ceiling. Her mouth would open sometimes and no sound would come out. She seemed like she was in a lot of pain. I just didn't know what to do. I climbed onto the bed and gripped her arm tightly trying to rouse her. Nothing. I shook her and said her name, hoping something would work. Her body turned towards mine and I felt relief. I held her against me, until I felt a sharp pain in my bicep. I looked down and saw Angel ripping open my flesh. She was still dreaming. I pushed her back after unbinding her nails from my skin and stood back. I had no idea what to do. Call Haley.
"Haley! She won't wake up. She's screaming. I've seen her have nightmares before, but she woke up." I rushed out over the phone. I had no clue what to do. I stood watching Angel while she thrashed in her sleep.
"James, you need to slap her."
"Just do it." Haley yelled at me. I rushed over to angel and hit Angel with my free hand. Nothing happened.
"Damn it, James. You're a vampire, use some of your strength. I need to hear it."
"I don't want to hurt her." I yelled back. I couldn't bear the thought.
"If you don't, she'll be in even more pain. Now, do it." Haley demanded of me. I stared at the screaming girl in the bed and reared my hand back. I brought it down heavily across her face and she fell silent. When I looked back at her, she was holding her face and cussing quietly. Thank God. She was going to have a hell of a bruise though. I knew I hit hard.
"Why'd you hit me?"

The Life Of Angel GraceWhere stories live. Discover now