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James'  POV
Oh. My. Good. Holy. God. Whatever just happened, it was great and I wanted it to happen again. I'm not even sure what happened, but my whole body exploded into a millions pieces of heavenly bliss. It was painful, but it was the best feeling I had ever had. I wanted it again. I opened my eyes and looked around. Angel sat on the floor a few feet in front of me, watching a movie. She had put a shirt on, which was kind of disappointing, but she was safe. I laughed to myself and rolled to look at her. She didn't even hear me when I got up, she was that into the movie. I didn't know what she was watching. I walked to the bathroom, surprised when I limped slightly. What the hell. I closed the door and did my business, but when I went to flush, I started to freak out. I knew what happened now. I had never thought those "vampire orgasms" were real. Well, they were very real. I finished and went to talk to Angel. She was in the kitchen and was stirring the pot. She looked over at me and held out the spoon. I took it and tasted it.
"Oh wow. Its wonderful. Hey, I'm gonna go take a shower." I said walking out of the room. I groaned a little because I had a small cramp in the back of my thigh. Oh, Jesus it hurt. I felt her watch me go to the back bathroom(everyone prefers that shower) and I knew she felt a little guilty. I stopped in the hallway and stripped right there in front of her. I heard her drop the spoon and laughed for the most part. I only showed her my butt, don't worry.
The water felt nice. Relaxing. Something I needed since getting here. Not since just today, but the day I met Angel. I knew my life would be different, strange. When we talked, she was guarded at first. She would watch me with fixed blue eyes that caught everything. There was nothing you could hide from her. She would ask me questions, some personal and some just random things about the world. She was smart and she got upset if she didn't understand something. After some time, she grew comfortable around me. It was nice, but it just made things harder for me. Instead of angry, questioning eyes on me they were curious and caring. It made me feel different. I felt good around her. Even before I first kissed her and continued to kiss her. I laughed at the memory of first kissing her. I didn't know Kale was behind me and he hit me in the face. Brandon took Angel home while Kale and I got into it. I know Kale still doesn't approve, but I don't know why. I haven't hurt her. There came a knock at the door.
"Come in." I yelled, the water running down my shoulders. It stung where Angel clawed me, but I didn't mind it.
"James. I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't know it would be so, um, intense for you." She said through the steam. I knew it was stupid, but it was hard to concentrate when I was butt naked and she was a few feet from me.
"Hey, just close the door, its getting cold in here. And turn around." I said, turning the water off.  I stepped out and wrapped the towel around my waist and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and just stared at me. I had battle scars and hated it when people looked. She ran her finger over one of my many tattoos. My eagle. My clan mark.
"I'm sorry."
"Are you kidding? That was-". I gripped her shoulders looking into her eyes trying to let her know how great it felt. I pulled her into my arms and laughed when she grumbled. She pushed away and tried to wipe off the water I had gotten on her.
"Want to tell me about it? The dream." I asked quietly in her ear. I felt her tense up and think about it. She looked up at me and shook her head. She never told me about her dreams and I didn't know how to take it. Was it a sort of rejection? Was she afraid talking about it would make it more realistic? Was she afraid I would judge her? I wanted to ask her all these questions, but felt there was a better time for it.

The Life Of Angel Graceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें