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James' POV
Shit. Shit. Shit. I was so close. I could smell her blood through her skin. Oh God. I need to leave. I have to get out of here.
I slammed my fisted into a nearby tree as I walked home, angry with myself. I left her. One part of me knew that it was the right, the safe thing to do. The other part, wanted her so badly it hurt. It was a constant struggle around her. You always hear in books and in movies, how a man falls so in love with a woman he goes weak. I don't know if I love her, but I know how those men feel. Worse actually. It was true, she was making me weak and I resented her for it, but I loved what we had when we could steal kisses. 
As I walk home, I remember the first day I saw Angel. It was terrible. I had gotten home after a "drink" with a friend and came back home with a woman. She wasn't the prettiest woman I had seen, but I didn't care. I had brought her to my bedroom, undressing her as I needed. God, I was still thirsty. The drink from earlier did nothing to satisfy my hunger. I kissed the woman again and bit right into her neck. She started to scream, but I slammed my hand over her mouth and ignored her efforts to pull away. After some time, the woman stopped moving and lay still on my bed as I drank from her. I had made a pact with myself and my clan to keep everyone we drank from alive. I leaned back from the woman, my stomach feeling fuller than it had in ages. I looked down at her and knew she wouldn't remember anything that happened with me. Standing to go to the bathroom, the phone rang. I had a no idea who it would be, but that things would change. I picked it up, wiping my mouth.
"James. This is Kale... We used to work together."
"Kale. It has been a long time, but I am in the middle of a meal right now. I will have to call you back..."
"I understand food must be hard to find, but I need your help," Kale whispered through the line and I knew there was something off.  Kale wasn't one to play jokes when in need or when I was hungry. I turned to look at the unconscious woman on my bed.
"What do you need?" I asked harshly, already grabbing my suitcase from my walk-in closet that I never had enough stuff for. I knew it would be at least a week or two. I had never heard my friend, my brother so worried about something before, I would be there.
"A protect detail. A woman. She is a good friend to me, but I can not always be by her side. I need someone there."
"A woman? Alright. Uhmm. How many bodies do you need?"
"Just yours. But if you must bring others, keep it small." Kale sighed and I knew he must be with someone. I didn't ask, knowing that in this kind of situations, the answer to that question would only confuse you further. There was no point in asking right now.
"I'll stop by later tonight to get her address and information. Tomorrow we will sit down and talk about things. It has been a while, brother." I said, hanging up the phone and packing the rest of my things. I thought to myself 'I hate this woman'.

The Life Of Angel GraceWhere stories live. Discover now