Chapter 26

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     It was like the place went into slow motion. My eyes focused on the queen and my hand reaching for her heart. She seemed to have the same intention as me. But what does she have to prove if she kills me. That my family name is coward, weak, useless. As a Jenner that gives me the responsibility to come and show this world that I can defeat the evil. The queen had no right to steal my family just to show my stregth to her. She won on getting me here. She won on trying to get family but she wont win on having me surrender myself to her evil hands. Kendall is now a lifeless body on the cold stone floors of the castle. It was my mistake on doing this. Having them become part of my secret life. Now it was become personal and this queen is going down. 
I didnt reach her heart but I got her stomach. My energy ball blasted into her but not until her energy ball blasted into my leg. We both flew across her throne room. I paused to catch my breath. I looked at her. Her whole torso was covered in blood. She laughed as she touched her wound. 

"What made you do it?" She asked me with a smile. 

"Made me do what?" I asked back. 

"Come to my castle and decide to take over so easily. Destroying my once beautiful country. My now destroyed castle. You Jenners never learn do you. You came into this world to take over what isnt yours. My father ruled this country before any other man. After every year a Jenner had to come in and take that away from us. You got my own daughter on your side, my own son" She coughed out blood and then continued. "My own nephew..You think you could of won this but do you really know what you have caused" She looked at the shattered window. 

The sun creeped up. This sunlight really showed me how much of a mess we made. 

"I wanted my family back and only my family. It was already a mission to get here. I am sorry that my last name is Jenner and I dont care what they have done to your past but you took something from me that is too much to lose" I explained and cletched my fists. 

"You are such a sap. Family isnt going to support you all your life! They are here just to show you your flaws and weaknesses. You need to learn that family is only people related you not supporters of you" She said and tried to get up but grabbing the wall. 

"Stop your nonscence! I dont need to learn anything from you! You are just a hateful queen who only worried about herself and would put her country into danger. Manipulating her subjects into believing she was god himself" I said and got up. 

But I quickly fell down as I right leg was gone. I screamed in pain and shot my head up to look at her. She laughed in amusement. 

"As much as they could hurt you. Only I could blast your leg off like a toothpick" She said and walked to me. 

I tried getting up again but the shooting pain in my leg wouldnt stop. I watched her limp over to me. Her hand on her wound as blood dripped down her hand. 

"You jenners have no right being in my country and no right being alive" She said and coughed more blood out. 

She fell to her knees and started to cough out more blood onto the floor. I watched in disgust. 

"Do you believe you did something right Kylie? Did you think you could get into my head! Your sister is gone. I thought you would give up after that. I had to kill my own daughter to show you that you wouldnt win. You have it all dont you Kylie. Everything you wanted" She said and fell to the floor. 

"First of all. My sister's death was cold of you and it gave me more reason to kill you more then I ever wanted to. it wasnt my fault that your daughter was killed by her evil mother. I could believe she would of had a better life without you. This isnt what I wanted. I just wanted my family back" I looked down as tears filled my eyes. 

She didnt respond but only continued to limp towards me. 

"When will you stop this!" I said and hit her head. 

She rolled to the stairs that lead to her throne. 

"I...will never stop...until you are...dead" She said as she was trying to catch her breath. 

I dragged myself to her. My body was completely weak and she looked like she was at her last step. Finally I am going to defeat her. I am going to defeat the person who took my family, gave orders to kill my sister and the person who killed Viola. My friend. My first real friend since I have been here. 

"Come on Kylie lets go hurry" Viola said with the brightest smile. 

I reached for her arm as she pulled me up. We reached the cells. This is where they put my family. 
I followed her down the hallway. 

"Are you ready to see your family?" She asked me and did a little skip. 

"Why wouldnt I be" I said and laughed. 

She laughed with me and we embraced as we walked down the hall.
*Flashback over* 
I thought me and her would rule this country together. Have the whole crew. But I lost her. I lost my sister. I lost my family! I balled my hands together and lifted it above her and slammed down. I hit her side and she coughed out blood. 

"I will never let you do this again!" I yelled and threw my hands up again.

As I threw my hands up. A ball of energy covered my fists a complete ball with my hands in the middle. I throw another slam on her and the energy killed her. Her blood was spread across the room and all over me. 

"I did it" I said to myself. 

I finally killed her...

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