Chapter 22

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Queen Venoma's pov

My door slammed open. I opened my eyes and there was shawn. He was out of breath and bruised up.

"Kylie is here! Viola and Victor are helping her and she is in the dungeon!" He said between his breath.

I nodded...Its time.

"Sound the alarm" I said softly.

The sirens went throughout the kingdom. The shadows of my creatures could be seen from my window. They swarmed the kingdom.

"Venoma, What is going on" Poisona said as she ran into the room.

"Kylie is in the castle..I need everyone to find her" I said and then sat up. "And take her down!"


Kylie's pov

I stood still. I heard a noise. Like a siren.

"Oh no" Viola said.

Me and Victor turned to look at her. She started to bite her nails.

"Shawn must of told her that you are here..Now the creatures are out" She said and started to pace. "Now everyone is gonna try to find you and kill you" She continued.

If the whole kingdom now is trying to find me. They must be going to the dungeon now.

"We need to start going" I said and grabbed Viola's wrist.

We ran in the opposite direction. Victor ran behind us. Its either time for me to escape...or fight. I was thinking of ideas of how to get out until I realized. She has my family. If I run away I have no clue what she could do to them. I came here to fight her and get them back and if my mind is telling me to run away. I cant listen anymore.

"Wait I cant run away" I said to myself.

"Kylie" Victor said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I cant run away Victor..I must save my family and get out with them. I came into Carolnani for them. Not me" I said and put my hands on my face.

Tears started to form. I could feel my nose heat up.

"Kylie. You can do this. You can defeat her. Show her she messed with the wrong jenner" Viola said.

I looked at her. She had a calm expression.

"Take down my mother. For my family" Viola said.

"For my family" Victor repeated.

"...for my family" I said.

We turned around and walked towards the entrance. Ready to take the crowd probably waiting for us. I never expected my life to turn into this. It felt like a year ago since I realized I was even a vampire. Now I am here fighting a vampire queen of a country I never heard of. Carolnani a place of Jenner history.

"Kylie" I heard Viola said.

"Yeah" I said and looked at her.

She hugged me.

"Do your best" Viola said. Her voice sounded hurt like she was about to cry.

I brushed her hair with my fingers. I would never have someone like her. I have my sisters but Viola stands out. Her spirit and attitude doesnt match the way her castle is. If she does rule Carolnani one day. She would make it shine bright. We separated. I continued to walk to the door. I am ready to fight. I am ready to take back my family. I am ready to save the world. I ran to the door. Leaving Viola and Victor behind. Its now or never. I swung the door open and there they were. enemy.

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