Chapter 4

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Queen Venoma's pov

I smirked seeing Kylie kiss her lover. She really thinks she's safe with that boy. I need to find better decoys because she saw the owl good thing I left before he could see it.
"My queen we have visitors" Violin said.
"Who?" I asked.
"A vampire hunter named Victor" Violin said.
"Bring him in" I said.
I walked away from my ball and walked to my throne and sat down. The door opened away and Victor walked in.
"Victor Victor. How is my nephew" I said and got up.
I walked down my stairs and hugged him.
"Hello aunt" He said while hugging back.
We embraced and let go. I looked at him up and down.
"You've  grown Victor nice and strong like...your father" I said and went silent.
"I've been working out" He said and laughed.
I laughed also. He has really grown. He has went from skinny and pale to buff and tan. I have no attraction to my nephew but he looks like my brother every time I see him.
"Violin get Victor a glass of blood" I said and snapped my fingers.
"Yes your highness" He said and bowed.
He left the room and I went back to my throne and sat down.
"Aunt Venoma I have came back from Calabasas" He said.
"I can tell you were there. I was watching you the whole time helping out our villian" I said and groaned.
"I knew she had potential and I wanted her to know" He said.
"I have a plan anyways to get her over here to experience her grand power" I said and smiled.
He scratched his head.
"Why though. She seems to be very powerful" He said.
"Do you dare underestimate me! I am still the queen and nobody ever underestimates me. I will take her down with her power" I got up and slammed my throne.
"I'm sorry your highness. I wont" He said and bowed.
"Thank you Victor" I said and sat down.
Violin walked in and gave Victor the glass. He sipped it. He tilted his head.
"May we continue. I came for a favor maybe even a compromise" He said and smirked.
"What is your favor?" I asked.
"I want to have some label of power in this kingdom since I want to stay in this kingdom until you have Kylie here" He said.
"Is this a demand?" I asked.
"Eh. I want to help out when you have Kylie in our walls" He said.
"Perfect.I had a better idea for her but I like what you are saying. Give me a day so I could think but I will gladly give my nephew a room" I said and smiled.
He smiled also.
"Violin take Victor to his room. Make it a big room and serve him until he is satisfied" I commanded.
He left with Violin. I sighed. I got up and looked around my room. I knew it felt lonely I need someone here. I walk to my dresser and grab my crown and put it down. What if her power defeats me? What if Victor was right. But nobody underestimates their queen.

Victor's pov

I walked with Violin. My aunt surely must give me a great title. I will help her alot. I looked at Violin. My cousin is now a servant for his mom. What did he do?
"How has my cousin been?" I asked him.
"I've been good.." He said plainly.
"Why are you so boring come on Violin I know you are more exciting" I said and laughed.
"So are you. Your parents nearly died at your jokes" He said.
"Hey they did though but seriously be more alive" I said and laughed.
"If I wasn't a servant to my own mother to be honest I would be happier" He said.
We got to my room and I looked around. It was a big room with a big bed with a fireplace. Two dressers and boxes on top of them.
"Would you like anything Victor?" He asked me.
"Get me a meal please" I replied.
He nodded and walked away. I sat on the bed. It was a blood red color blanket with black pillows. The bed frame was matte red. I could feel roomy here. Another walked in with my luggage. I smiled at them and they looked down and walked away. I walked to my luggage and picked it up. This will last me for so long. Violin came in.
"Violin where is our cousin Flute?" I asked him.
"Oh he has been gone for a long time from the castle. He went back with his mother to their kingdom.
I nodded.
"What about Viola?" I asked.
He tensed up and looked down.
"She is in her room. Do you want her" He said.
I nodded and he left. Viola was his older sister and he had a younger brother called Cello. I sat down on the loveseat and figit with my fingers. This journey here was long. I still have the image of my aunt yelling at me for 'underestimate' her. Kylie has alot of power in her for being so young also. My door opened and Viola walked in.
"Cousin Victor" She said and embraced me.
I hugged her back and we both let go.
"Tell me how you have been?" She asked.
"I've been good. What about you?" I said.
"I am been amazing being a princess and all" She said and smiled.
She looked at Violin and he walked out the room. She waited until it closed before she looked at me with a serious face.
"What are you doing here?" She said changing attitude.
"I've came to help your mother" I said.
"You aren't allowed here in this kingdom after what you have done" She said.
"Just because I killed my boyfriend and my parents years ago doesn't mean your mom will have a grudge on me" I said and looked away from her. 
"You aren't allowed here in my book" She said and pointed to the floor.
"You are a princess you have no power" I said and chuckled.
"You know that boy was my friend and I let him go to you" She said.
"It wasn't my fault" I said and looked at her.
She gave me a hard stare. Her bright teal eyes burned me. She is still on this topic for the longest time. No wonder why she stays a princess.
"Can you stop being on this topic. I try to keep that whole thing out my head for the longest time. I don't need someone like you to keep reminding me about my mistakes" I said.
She looked away. She grunted.
"You have a hard shell I can tell. I won't continue. It just bothers me" She said.
I grabbed her shoulders and looked at her.
"It bothers me also but we have to get over it no matter how bad it affects us" I said and smiled.
Her eyes looked sad but she had the face like she realized something.
"Why are you so real?" She asked.
"Mistakes changes someone to be better and not makes those choices again" I said.
She is younger then me so this wouldn't get through her head as much but it was good to mention it to her. She smiled and walked away and opened the door.
"Thank you" She said and closed the door.
I combed my fingers through my hair. People stress me out...

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