Chapter 2

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Kylie's pov

"No way stop!" Khole said laughing.
"Im serious like she didn't even check the store name so she didn't know what she was walking into when she saw the adult stuff" Kourtney said trying to explain while laughing.
"Was mom scared of all the stuff" Kim said.
"I bet she used it before" Khole said.
We all laughed. Listening to my sister's story was always so funny it had me in tears. I got up and walked to the bathroom before I  pee on the floor. After I got out the bathroom I walked back to the living room but nobody was there.
"Guys" I said out loud.
"Over here" Kim said.
I walked to the kitchen. They were mingling while kourtney made food.
"Imma go into my room if you need me" I said and walked away.
They didn't notice I left. I walked into my room. Where Norm was nowhere to be seen. I heard him barking outside. I went outside and walked to him and looked at his direction and I saw a little animal. Another type of dog like Norm.  I took a second to walk to it. I couldn't trust a dog but it looked lost. It walked to me slowly with its tail between it's legs. I stayed still and when it got closer I bent over and  putting my hand in a fist and went slowly to the dog. It sniffed me and wagged its tail. I picked up the dog and petted it.
"Maybe we have a new pet" I said to norm.
We got inside and brought it straight to the bathroom to clean it up.
"Kendall!" I said out loud.
It took a few minutes but she came inside my room.
"Whats the problem Kylie" Kendall said.
"I found this stray dog in the backyard and I took inside. I wanna keep it" I told her.
"I aint your mom. Ask her" She said.
"Ok I will. But I need a name" I said.
"When she looks like a dear. Why not bambi" Kendall said.
I looked at kendall and smiled.
"Thats perfect" I said and laughed.
She smiled back.
I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around bambi and picked her up. We all walked out the bathroom and I put her on the floor and she was shaking herself dry. Kendall walked out my room and norm curled up in my bed.
"You too stay here" I said to them.
I walked out my room and closed to door. I walked past the living room and walked into my mom's office where she mostly is. I knocked on the door frame. She looked up.
"Yes Kylie" She said and looked back down.
"So like I found this dog outside in the backyard and I brought it inside-" She cut me off.
"You are telling me you brought a dog that could have flees" She said and rested her chin on the back of her palm.
"I washed it and I wanted to know if I could keep it" I said and smiled.
She stared at me and finally smiled back.
"I cant say no to you" She said.
"Kendall named her Bambi" I said.
"Bambi is a beautiful name" She said.
"Why dont you bring her here" She said and got off her computer.
I walked out her office and walked my room. I opened my room door and saw bambi sleeping next to norm. I walked slowly but a creek on the floor woke them up. I got on my bed and grabbed bambi and norm. I got out my bed and walked out my room to go back to my mom's office.
"Its adorable" My mom said.
She petted her and bambi was wagging her tail like crazy. My mom put her down. Bambi walked away.
"Ah! A dog" I heard kim say inside the living room.
"Relax kim its fine" said Khole.
Me and my mom were just looking at each other as we listened.
"Khole get it out!" Kim said.
"Kim you are over reacting" Kourtney said.
Bambi barked and something crashed.
"Kylie get the dog" My mom said and I walked out the room.

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