Chapter 5

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Kylie's pov

I woke up in Austin's house. I didn't go home? I looked out and it was sunset.
"Austin" I said.
I looked around and walked up the stairs. I looked in each room and then I find him in his room. He was in his bed under his blanket. All I could see was his hair. I walked to him and he was sleeping. I went closer to him and shaked him.
"Austin" I said.
His eyes opened slowly and looked at me and he raised his eyebrow.
"Did we both take a nap?" I asked.
He nodded and turned around. I laughed.
"Please get up please" I said and shaked him.
"No" He said in a sleepy voice.
My mind exploded. My legs mentally got weak.
"What?" I asked again to hear it again.
"No" He said again.
My eyes mentally turned into hearts. I smiled trying not to laugh.
"Austin I'm hungry and I'm scared to be alone" I said and shaked him again.
He groaned. He got up and pulled the blanket away. He hopped off the bed. He was shirtless with shorts on that sagged a bit. He had bed head. He looked at me with his eyes squinted because of the light remaining outside. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"Fine but after we are both taking a nap again" He said.
I nodded. He walked out his room. I was following right behind him. He walked to the bathroom and closed the door. Leaving me on the other side.
"Ok good talk" I said and walked downstairs.
I sat down on the couch and then the bathroom door opened. He walked down the stairs and sat next to me. I looked at him and laughed at his hair.
"What is so funny?" He asked.
"Your hair" I said and continued laughing.
He smirked.
"What if I mess up your hair" He said and reached over to me.
He began to mess up my hair. I playfully pushed away while laughing. He got on my lap and messed it up more. He stopped.
"We are even" He said.
I laughed. He was still on my lap.
"Why don't you give me a lap dance mami" I said and laughed.
"Maybe later" He said and winked.
He got up and walked away.
"That butt though" I said.
He turned his head to me and laughed. I am having way to much fun. I sigh and put my hands behind my head.
"Am I gonna go home anytime soon?" I said to Austin in the other room.
"Do you wanna stay over?" He asked as he walked into the room.
I looked away. Should I stay? I looked at him and made a thinking face.
"I wouldn't have any clothes to wear" I said.
He walked away. It was a few minutes and then he came back. He had a shirt and shorts and threw it to me.
"Here" He said and turned around.
I got up and walked to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and put on his shirt. It went down to my upper thighs. I put on his shorts that went past my knees. The hem of his shorts were big. I grabbed on side and used a hairtie to tie it up. I walked out with my clothes in my arm. I put it down on his couch.
"Wow" He said from behind me.
I turned around.
"What" I said calmly.
He smiled and hugged me.
"You are so small in my clothes" He said.
I laughed and he grabbed under my chin and kissed me. I grabbed his cheek as the passion grew. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close. Our bodies having no boundaries. He gently pushed us to the couch. I brushed my fingers through his hair. He pulled away having his arms on the side of my head.
"Should we continue?" He asked.
I looked out the window and saw the sun as been gone. I looked back at him.
"Maybe later. I need to use the bathroom" I said and smiled innocently.
He nodded and got off. He pushed his chest like it was covered in dust. I gave him a peck on his cheek and walked to the bathroom. I know this shouldn't be happening. I sat down and my fangs began to grow. My eyes turned red. I looked at the mirror and gasped. Why am I like this not now. I groaned in anger.
"Are you ok Kylie?" Austin said behind the door.
"Y-yeah I am. It's just..." I stopped and looked at the soap bar.
"The soap fell" I made it up.
"Uh ok" He said.
His footsteps walked away from the door. I pretend to flush and turned on the water. I'm surprised I haven't blacked out. Have I gain control like last time. I turned off the water and walked out. He was in the kitchen and his blood was smelling up the whole house. I walked upstairs. I closed the door to his room. The smell I made my mouth water. My stomach began to hurt. It felt empty. I walked out and he was there. I looked down.
"Are you ok Kylie?" He asked.
"Yes" I said quickly.
"Why are you looking down?" He said and kneed a bit to see me.
I closed my eyes.
"Kylie" He said.
His blood close to me was just strong.
"Austin...If I show you...You can't freak out" I said.
"Yes please" He said.
I opened my eyes and slowly looked into his eyes. My red eyes looking into his. His eyes went wide and he backed up.
"Kylie are those contacts?" He said and laughed worryingly.
"No" I said and opened my mouth to show my fangs.
It was like his eyes went wider and he went 5 feet away from me.
"Are you a vampire Kylie?" He asked.
I nodded. I frowned my eyebrows as he looked at me with so much horror.
"So you are a bloodsucking vampire that we see on those movies" He said.
"Yes but it's been my secret life only some people knew and I hope you could keep this a secret" I said.
He tilted his head.
"Would you still love me?" I asked.
"Yes Kylie. I fell in love with you and not what you are but your could be a unicorn for all I care" He said and laughed.
My heart racing I need blood. I never held back for so long.
"I need blood" I said under my breath.
"What?" He asked.
"I need blood" I said more clear.
He looked down at himself. He pointed at himself.
"Mine" He said.
"If I keep holding it back it might happen" I said.
He walked down the stairs fast and opened his front door.
"Don't take long" He said from downstairs.
I smiled and walked down the stairs.
"I won't" I said and walked out the door.
Blood from every direction came to view. Finally I can eat. I ran in super speed to find my next prey.

Kylie's ConfessionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora