Chapter 14

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 Vernoma's pov 

How can they do that. I thought they heard well. I will take them down before they take over my land. I have to use the best defense and use the weak to go first. I dont know how I can handle this. They just took over a part of MY land not theirs and I am cornered. 

"Vernoma?" Caffeine said. 

I looked at him with fear. He has been there for me and now until the end. 

"You are just playing chess" Caffeine said and rubbed my back. 

I shocked my head and noticed I was actually playing chess with Poisona. 

"She gets over dramatic you know that Caffeine" Poisona said and laughed. 

I slouched down and rolled my eyes.

"I am not over dramatic over these games. I just am VERY competitive" I said and crossed my arms.

I leaned back and crossed my legs. I tilted my head.

"Vernoma!" Someone screamed from down the hall.

They entered my room and it was Shawn. I thought one of my servants were calling me by my real name and that isn't acceptable.

"What do you want Shawn?" I said and smiled.

"The creatures are ready, Violin has got with Kylie and we have captured a few rebels in the kingdom" He said.

"Wait repeat that" I said. I am surely not deaf. I heard what I heard.

"We have captured a few rebels in the kingdom?" He said confused.

"...other one" I said.

"Violin has got with Kylie" He said.

"Yes!" I said and smiled.

"He told me that he got Kylie into a room but no sexual actions will be taking place but he will take her personally to the kingdom." He said. 

So in a short matter of time Kylie Jenner. The one with the power of the 3 vampires will be in my kingdom wanting her family back from my hands. I never seen a real DeltaWiseBlood in person

"Ok siblings we arent playing games anymore" I said and looked around. 

"Awhh" Poisona groaned in the background. 

Nicotine stood up. 

"We still are here for you" He said softly. 

I smiled and looked at Shawn. I have to see these rebels in my kingdom before I start anything. I dont want anyone helping out Kylie since she has enough power already just by herself. 

"Shawn take me to where the rebels are" I said and he guided me to the dungeon where they were held. 

"They call themselves Peace Hipsters" Shawn said. 

Everyone looked the same with the messy hair and no makeup faces and the smell of dirt. Their clothes coming from the flee market. 

"Who is the leader of the Peace Hipsters" I asked Shawn. 

He pointed at the guy at the end of the line. I walked down to him. I looked down at him. 

"What is your name and why do you plan to reject my plans on saving our kingdom" I asked him. 

"I go by Hippy Piece and I believe that what you are saying is a lie and by seeing our past in Carolnani. you are the daughter of the past king and he wasnt nice to his subjects and you are planning on leaving us here and killing the kingdom with this huge war that would make it end with ashes. We know this is a bigger plan that you are plotting. You are not a powerful queen and you will never be Vernoma..." He said with anger and spat on my shoe. 

The guard went to him but I stopped the guard. I leaned down to the leader and looked into his eyes. 

" a not powerful queen. The words I spoke were true. Yes the plan is way bigger then it actually is but I will make sure that my people are safe. I am like my father but I will never be the king he was. Our past is different from our future...I could admit there might be a big war but I will not let my castle crumble to the floor! I am a queen, I am your queen and you as my subject shall never call me by my first name. You call me queen or your majesty only" I said correcting him. 

"You are not my queen. Vernoma. You are not my queen. Vernoma!" He said and the others chanted with him. 

I got up and grabbed the axe the guard was holding. 

"I want you rebels to see a demonstration on how to never call me by my first name and how I am your queen..." I said and lifted the axe up and cut off Hippy Piece foot. 

He screamed in pain. 

"You are lucky you live in a kingdom like this with beautiful homes and no laws that are too dramatic" I said and cut off his other foot. 

He still kept screaming. 

"Also you are lucky that you lived this long saying the words you are saying and for disobeying my announcement" I said and cut off his hands from above his head.

His arms fell to his sides and he cried tears. 

"Also...Never call me Vernoma. You are not my family or close friend. You are my subjects. you follow my rules and I wont listen to some dirty rebel leader who can determine my fate" I said and hit his knees with my foot. 

I made the guard hold his head to look at me. 

"Lastly...I will not have people comparing me to my father. I am way better then my father. I may be his daughter and may rule the kingdom but only I know that I will not suffer the same fate he did and it wont come true from you saying it! So are we clear 'Hippy Piece' I will not listen to your cries and your protects and you could have the kingdom against me but that means I have no choice but to show people why they should never cross with Vernoma Rosemarian, Queen of Carolnani!" I said and slammed the axe to his neck cutting off his head. 

I dropped the axe and walked to the others. 

"Do you guys wanna chant anything" I said and put my hand to my ear. 

They all nodded 'no' I walked to the door and looked at them again. 

"...Kill...them...all" I said with a low and heartless tone. 

I heard their scared moans as I closed the door. I walked up the stairs and once I got to the door I heard the screams of them being killed. 

"Shawn..." I said before I opened the door. 

"Yes" He said. 

"If you become king one day..remember this..Its easy to be a king but its hard to control your subjects" I said and opened the door. 

We walked down the hallway and went back to the room with my siblings. I truly had anger down there and I know this is not the time but I am serious about this. Even if I have to show my subjects demonstrations during the way. I will defeat her and I will not suffer my dad's fate. 

...I promise

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