Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry!" He said with an aegyo voice and swim back at the beach side,  "The first one to get to the cabin will win!" He cheered as you grunt and swim back also.


In the end, Wonpil still persuaded you and have no choice but to join him in the rides he wanted to do, until it strikes evening, and you both hand in hand search for a restaurant to dine in.

"I'm so hungry! Why are you so choosy when it comes to the food you wanted to eat?!" Wonpil whines and shake your hand in his.

"Tssss! I should be choosy! It's my money I am going to spend anyway! And also why should buy food that I'm not going to be satisfied with the taste? Hmm? Prosecutor Kim?" You said squeezing his hand on yours.

"Oh sure Prosecutor An!" He also squeezes your hand as you whine in pain.

"Ouuuch! It hurts!" He loosen his grip on yours and kisses the back of your hand.

"I'm sorry!" He showed his gummy smile that makes your heartbeat fast and stare at his adorable eyes.

"I knew it! You guys were going to end up together!" Suddenly two girls showed up and you recognised them as you and Wonpil's classmate in College.

"Ahmmm! It's not-"

"What you think!" Wonpil continue what you are going to say and let go of your hand.

"Don't tell me that you guys are still best friends when I saw you with my own two eyes kissing An's hand!" The other girl said and giggles.

"It's because-" You started to reason out but Wonpil cut you off.

"I like someone else" Wonpil blurted out that shook you and also the two girls.

"Ohhh, I'm not gonna argue now, were going, enjoy your vacation" They hurriedly said and leave you two.

"Glad they'd stop teasing us!" Wonpil awkwardly laugh and look at you, but he saw your sour expression that makes him go worried.

"An?" He ask but you turn back to where your hotel located and start walking up ahead leaving Wonpil d*mbfounded.

"Hey! An! Wait up!" He trail behind you and grab your arm, "What's wrong?" He softly ask.

"I don't have an appetite, I'm going back to the hotel" You said and remove his arm on yours, but he still followed you behind, the way to the hotel becomes so quiet, unlike earlier that it is full of grunting and ranting about your co-officemates and playfully joking around, but that word 'I like someone else' makes your mood turned to gloom.

When you were in front of your room's door, Wonpil softly held your hand, "If it's because of what I said earlier, it's just a pure lie, I just wanted them to stop teasing us" He said.

"I'm sorry if teasing you with me annoys you, good night" You shake your wrist to remove Wonpil's hand and close the door behind.

This night just confirms what you really felt for Wonpil, you don't just like him, you love him too much.


Because you really felt sulky with Wonpil, you both decided to ended your vacation earlier than what you planned and go back to Seoul.

"When this cases will end?" You grumble and start signing the papers of cases you are done prosecuting.

"If it's all done already, then we won't have any work anymore" Your team investigator said that makes you sigh.

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